Headstamp Guide - Letters - F

A Brief History
Submitted by Keith Pagel
Typical Frankford Arsenal (US Gov't) headstamp of 1939, but with a "dot" in the headstamp indicating a special lot of brass cases or a special method of producing the brass (different draw steps for example). "FA . 39" From sealed boxes of 30-06 M1 Ball ammunition with brass percussion primer, black primer sealant, ring primer crimp, GM jacket, lead core bullet, with knurled crimp cannelure. Ammunition packaged on 5-round brass stripper clips, 4 clips to a standard tan cardboard box with white label and blank ink markings "20 Cartridges Ball Caliber .30 M1 Ammunition Lot FA 49301." Lot is headstamped for Frankford Arsenal and carries an FA lot number, but label also says "Twin Cities Arsenal."

A Brief History
Established in 1816 as a direct result of the War of 1812, the Frankford Arsenal was situated originally on 20 acres that fronted on Frankford Creek. When active, the Arsenal largely served as a small arms production site during the Civil War, World War I and World War II. It is currently the home of the Arsenal Business Center, where 1.4 million square feet of light industrial and office space span more than one hundred buildings on 86 acres. Many of the buildings are nearly two centuries old.
Since 1972, the Arsenal has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places. It contains buildings of various degrees of historical importance, representing a broad range of architectural styles, and reflecting the changing function and technology of the Arsenal through its decades of expansion.
Historical information

A Brief History
Fiocchi of America
Nevada Sales Office
672 Wells Road
Boulder City NV 89005
Phone 800-595-6020
Fax 702-293-3259
Submitted by: Jason Crafton
Identified by: CartWinPro (Axel Manthei)

A Brief History
Field & Stream brand ammunition, sold by Dick's Sporting Goods for a small number of years. No longer being produced or sold in stores under this brand.

A Brief History
Casa Matriz : Avda. Ejercito 353, Santiago, Fono 6718146 Fax 6718171
Sala de Ventas : Manuel Rodriguez 434, Santiago, Fono 6965195 Fax 6965418
Fabrica : Manuel Rodriguez 02, Talagante, Fono 5107400 Fax 5107711
From Website:
Desde 1811 FAMAE ha constribuido al desarrollo industrial de Chile, caracterizándose por la garantía de sus productos.
Como empresa de defensa más antigua de Latinoamérica, ha establecido un liderazgo en el campo de las armas de infantería y municiones.
FAMAE en las últimas décadas ha tenido un crecimiento sostenido en diferentes áreas, tanto de carácter militar, como policial.
En la actualidad, dado los requerimientos operacionales cada vez más exigentes y especializados, FAMAE ha diseñado y fabricado una amplia gama de sistemas de armas para la defensa.
Lo anterior, se ha logrado con una especialización de ingenieros y técnicos en los rubros de armamentos, municiones, vehículos, cohetes y misiles, con la transferencia de tecnologías obtenida por Joints-Ventures y la adquisición de licencias de fabricación con empresas de prestigio mundial de los productos antes mencionados.
En forma paralela, FAMAE ha continuado colaborando en la industrialización del país, a través de sus diseños y fabricaciones.
Las Fábricas y Maestranzas del Ejército se encuentran hoy en una posición expectante, con diversos desarrollos en tecnología de última generación dentro de sus plantas, además de lo anterior, se llevan a cabo en forma sistemática programas de capacitación que buscan optimizar sus estándares de calidad, como un proceso de mejoramiento continuo conforme a normas internacionales.

A Brief History
Cartridges made by La Fábrica de Armas y Municiones del Ejército del Perú (FAME SAC) will feature the headstamp "FAME". They are a state owned company under private law that is attached to the Ministry of Defense to manufacture and sell ammunition for both civilian and military use. As of April 2021, they had a contract with multiple US-based companies to get their products on the American market. They offer limited handgun and rifle caliber cartridges.
Contact information:

A Brief History
Federal Cartridge Company
900 Ehlen Drive
Anoka, MN 55303-7503
Fax: (763) 323-2506
Federal Cartridge Contact Form
Federal Cartridge Website
From Federal Cartridge Company Website:
Federal Cartridge Company
The Ammunition Industry's Technology Leader
*Federal is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Edina, Minnesota-based ATK
*Federal manufactures a complete line of shotshell, centerfire and rimfire ammunition and components
*Nearly 1,000 employees work at the Anoka, Minnesota facility
*The facility is located on 175 acres in Anoka County and spans the border of Anoka and Coon Rapids with half a million square feet of manufacturing space
*Federal Premium® Ammunition is the company's flagship brand and focuses its competitive advantage on cutting edge technology
ATK Website
From ATK Website:
Our History
ATK was launched as an independent company in 1990, when Honeywell spun off its defense businesses to shareholders. The former Honeywell businesses had supplied defense products and systems to the U.S. and its allies for 50 years, including the first electronic autopilot that enabled B-17 aircraft to accomplish pinpoint bombing missions during World War II.
ATK expanded into the aerospace market with the acquisitions of Hercules Aerospace Company in 1995 and Thiokol Propulsion in 2001, which transformed the company into the world's largest supplier of solid propellant rocket motors and a leading provider of high-performance composite structures.
A series of other acquisitions and key contract wins have continued to increase the company's presence in the aerospace, defense, and commercial ammunition markets:
•2000 Selected to operate Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, the U.S. Government's only small-caliber ammunition manufacturing facility.
•2001 Acquired the commercial ammunition businesses of Blount International, which made ATK the nation's largest manufacturer of ammunition.
•2002 Acquired the ordnance business of Boeing, which brought together ATK's munitions portfolio with the products and capabilities of a leading military gun manufacturer.
•2002 Acquired the assets of Science and Applied Technology, Inc., which added critical precision seeker, guidance, and system-level expertise.
•2003 Acquired Composite Optics, Inc., which made ATK the world leader in composite space structures.
•2003 Acquired GASL and Micro Craft, which added leading-edge propulsion and airframe technologies for highly demanding aerospace and defense applications.
•2004 Acquired Mission Research Corporation, which enabled an advanced aerospace and defense technology pipeline spanning concept development to full-scale production.
•2004 Acquired the PSI Group, which strengthened ATK's space systems portfolio and positioned the company to capture emerging opportunities in spacecraft integration and satellite technology.
•2007 Acquired Swales Aerospace, adding enhanced systems engineering and engineering services to ATKs existing space launch, space exploration, small satellite, and spacecraft markets.
•2009 Acquired Eagle Industries as a wholly-owned subsidiary, expanding position in the domestic and international accessories markets serving military and law enforcement customers.

A Brief History
Federal Cartridge Company
900 Ehlen Drive
Anoka, MN 55303-7503
Fax: (763) 323-2506
Federal Cartridge Contact Form
Federal Cartridge Website
From Federal Cartridge Company Website:
Federal Cartridge Company
The Ammunition Industry's Technology Leader
*Federal is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Edina, Minnesota-based ATK
*Federal manufactures a complete line of shotshell, centerfire and rimfire ammunition and components
*Nearly 1,000 employees work at the Anoka, Minnesota facility
*The facility is located on 175 acres in Anoka County and spans the border of Anoka and Coon Rapids with half a million square feet of manufacturing space
*Federal Premium® Ammunition is the company's flagship brand and focuses its competitive advantage on cutting edge technology
ATK Website
From ATK Website:
Our History
ATK was launched as an independent company in 1990, when Honeywell spun off its defense businesses to shareholders. The former Honeywell businesses had supplied defense products and systems to the U.S. and its allies for 50 years, including the first electronic autopilot that enabled B-17 aircraft to accomplish pinpoint bombing missions during World War II.
ATK expanded into the aerospace market with the acquisitions of Hercules Aerospace Company in 1995 and Thiokol Propulsion in 2001, which transformed the company into the world's largest supplier of solid propellant rocket motors and a leading provider of high-performance composite structures.
A series of other acquisitions and key contract wins have continued to increase the company's presence in the aerospace, defense, and commercial ammunition markets:
•2000 Selected to operate Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, the U.S. Government's only small-caliber ammunition manufacturing facility.
•2001 Acquired the commercial ammunition businesses of Blount International, which made ATK the nation's largest manufacturer of ammunition.
•2002 Acquired the ordnance business of Boeing, which brought together ATK's munitions portfolio with the products and capabilities of a leading military gun manufacturer.
•2002 Acquired the assets of Science and Applied Technology, Inc., which added critical precision seeker, guidance, and system-level expertise.
•2003 Acquired Composite Optics, Inc., which made ATK the world leader in composite space structures.
•2003 Acquired GASL and Micro Craft, which added leading-edge propulsion and airframe technologies for highly demanding aerospace and defense applications.
•2004 Acquired Mission Research Corporation, which enabled an advanced aerospace and defense technology pipeline spanning concept development to full-scale production.
•2004 Acquired the PSI Group, which strengthened ATK's space systems portfolio and positioned the company to capture emerging opportunities in spacecraft integration and satellite technology.
•2007 Acquired Swales Aerospace, adding enhanced systems engineering and engineering services to ATKs existing space launch, space exploration, small satellite, and spacecraft markets.
•2009 Acquired Eagle Industries as a wholly-owned subsidiary, expanding position in the domestic and international accessories markets serving military and law enforcement customers.

A Brief History
LE = law enforcement
Federal Cartridge Company
900 Ehlen Drive
Anoka, MN 55303-7503
Fax: (763) 323-2506
Federal Cartridge Contact Form
Federal Cartridge Website
From Federal Cartridge Company Website:
Federal Cartridge Company
The Ammunition Industry's Technology Leader
*Federal is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Edina, Minnesota-based ATK
*Federal manufactures a complete line of shotshell, centerfire and rimfire ammunition and components
*Nearly 1,000 employees work at the Anoka, Minnesota facility
*The facility is located on 175 acres in Anoka County and spans the border of Anoka and Coon Rapids with half a million square feet of manufacturing space
*Federal Premium® Ammunition is the company's flagship brand and focuses its competitive advantage on cutting edge technology
ATK Website
From ATK Website:
Our History
ATK was launched as an independent company in 1990, when Honeywell spun off its defense businesses to shareholders. The former Honeywell businesses had supplied defense products and systems to the U.S. and its allies for 50 years, including the first electronic autopilot that enabled B-17 aircraft to accomplish pinpoint bombing missions during World War II.
ATK expanded into the aerospace market with the acquisitions of Hercules Aerospace Company in 1995 and Thiokol Propulsion in 2001, which transformed the company into the world's largest supplier of solid propellant rocket motors and a leading provider of high-performance composite structures.
A series of other acquisitions and key contract wins have continued to increase the company's presence in the aerospace, defense, and commercial ammunition markets:
•2000 Selected to operate Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, the U.S. Government's only small-caliber ammunition manufacturing facility.
•2001 Acquired the commercial ammunition businesses of Blount International, which made ATK the nation's largest manufacturer of ammunition.
•2002 Acquired the ordnance business of Boeing, which brought together ATK's munitions portfolio with the products and capabilities of a leading military gun manufacturer.
•2002 Acquired the assets of Science and Applied Technology, Inc., which added critical precision seeker, guidance, and system-level expertise.
•2003 Acquired Composite Optics, Inc., which made ATK the world leader in composite space structures.
•2003 Acquired GASL and Micro Craft, which added leading-edge propulsion and airframe technologies for highly demanding aerospace and defense applications.
•2004 Acquired Mission Research Corporation, which enabled an advanced aerospace and defense technology pipeline spanning concept development to full-scale production.
•2004 Acquired the PSI Group, which strengthened ATK's space systems portfolio and positioned the company to capture emerging opportunities in spacecraft integration and satellite technology.
•2007 Acquired Swales Aerospace, adding enhanced systems engineering and engineering services to ATKs existing space launch, space exploration, small satellite, and spacecraft markets.
•2009 Acquired Eagle Industries as a wholly-owned subsidiary, expanding position in the domestic and international accessories markets serving military and law enforcement customers.

A Brief History
The "PPR" stands for "Policia Puerto Rico", and was featured on headstamps produced by Federal during 2017 as part of a contract.

A Brief History
This headstamp is seen on Federal's Fusion product line, which is specifically designed for hunting.The copper jacket is electro-chemically applied to the core, aka a "molecularly fused bullet construction". Currently sold in handgun calibers and features a "fusion soft point".

A Brief History
Federal Cartridge Company
900 Ehlen Drive
Anoka, MN 55303-7503
Fax: (763) 323-2506
Federal Cartridge Contact Form
Federal Cartridge Website
From Federal Cartridge Company Website:
Federal Cartridge Company
The Ammunition Industry's Technology Leader
*Federal is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Edina, Minnesota-based ATK
*Federal manufactures a complete line of shotshell, centerfire and rimfire ammunition and components
*Nearly 1,000 employees work at the Anoka, Minnesota facility
*The facility is located on 175 acres in Anoka County and spans the border of Anoka and Coon Rapids with half a million square feet of manufacturing space
*Federal Premium® Ammunition is the company's flagship brand and focuses its competitive advantage on cutting edge technology
ATK Website
From ATK Website:
Our History
ATK was launched as an independent company in 1990, when Honeywell spun off its defense businesses to shareholders. The former Honeywell businesses had supplied defense products and systems to the U.S. and its allies for 50 years, including the first electronic autopilot that enabled B-17 aircraft to accomplish pinpoint bombing missions during World War II.
ATK expanded into the aerospace market with the acquisitions of Hercules Aerospace Company in 1995 and Thiokol Propulsion in 2001, which transformed the company into the world's largest supplier of solid propellant rocket motors and a leading provider of high-performance composite structures.
A series of other acquisitions and key contract wins have continued to increase the company's presence in the aerospace, defense, and commercial ammunition markets:
•2000 Selected to operate Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, the U.S. Government's only small-caliber ammunition manufacturing facility.
•2001 Acquired the commercial ammunition businesses of Blount International, which made ATK the nation's largest manufacturer of ammunition.
•2002 Acquired the ordnance business of Boeing, which brought together ATK's munitions portfolio with the products and capabilities of a leading military gun manufacturer.
•2002 Acquired the assets of Science and Applied Technology, Inc., which added critical precision seeker, guidance, and system-level expertise.
•2003 Acquired Composite Optics, Inc., which made ATK the world leader in composite space structures.
•2003 Acquired GASL and Micro Craft, which added leading-edge propulsion and airframe technologies for highly demanding aerospace and defense applications.
•2004 Acquired Mission Research Corporation, which enabled an advanced aerospace and defense technology pipeline spanning concept development to full-scale production.
•2004 Acquired the PSI Group, which strengthened ATK's space systems portfolio and positioned the company to capture emerging opportunities in spacecraft integration and satellite technology.
•2007 Acquired Swales Aerospace, adding enhanced systems engineering and engineering services to ATKs existing space launch, space exploration, small satellite, and spacecraft markets.
•2009 Acquired Eagle Industries as a wholly-owned subsidiary, expanding position in the domestic and international accessories markets serving military and law enforcement customers.

A Brief History
Federal Cartridge Company
900 Ehlen Drive
Anoka, MN 55303-7503
Fax: (763) 323-2506
Federal Cartridge Contact Form
Federal Cartridge Website
From Federal Cartridge Company Website:
Federal Cartridge Company
The Ammunition Industry's Technology Leader
*Federal is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Edina, Minnesota-based ATK
*Federal manufactures a complete line of shotshell, centerfire and rimfire ammunition and components
*Nearly 1,000 employees work at the Anoka, Minnesota facility
*The facility is located on 175 acres in Anoka County and spans the border of Anoka and Coon Rapids with half a million square feet of manufacturing space
*Federal Premium® Ammunition is the company's flagship brand and focuses its competitive advantage on cutting edge technology
ATK Website
From ATK Website:
Our History
ATK was launched as an independent company in 1990, when Honeywell spun off its defense businesses to shareholders. The former Honeywell businesses had supplied defense products and systems to the U.S. and its allies for 50 years, including the first electronic autopilot that enabled B-17 aircraft to accomplish pinpoint bombing missions during World War II.
ATK expanded into the aerospace market with the acquisitions of Hercules Aerospace Company in 1995 and Thiokol Propulsion in 2001, which transformed the company into the world's largest supplier of solid propellant rocket motors and a leading provider of high-performance composite structures.
A series of other acquisitions and key contract wins have continued to increase the company's presence in the aerospace, defense, and commercial ammunition markets:
•2000 Selected to operate Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, the U.S. Government's only small-caliber ammunition manufacturing facility.
•2001 Acquired the commercial ammunition businesses of Blount International, which made ATK the nation's largest manufacturer of ammunition.
•2002 Acquired the ordnance business of Boeing, which brought together ATK's munitions portfolio with the products and capabilities of a leading military gun manufacturer.
•2002 Acquired the assets of Science and Applied Technology, Inc., which added critical precision seeker, guidance, and system-level expertise.
•2003 Acquired Composite Optics, Inc., which made ATK the world leader in composite space structures.
•2003 Acquired GASL and Micro Craft, which added leading-edge propulsion and airframe technologies for highly demanding aerospace and defense applications.
•2004 Acquired Mission Research Corporation, which enabled an advanced aerospace and defense technology pipeline spanning concept development to full-scale production.
•2004 Acquired the PSI Group, which strengthened ATK's space systems portfolio and positioned the company to capture emerging opportunities in spacecraft integration and satellite technology.
•2007 Acquired Swales Aerospace, adding enhanced systems engineering and engineering services to ATKs existing space launch, space exploration, small satellite, and spacecraft markets.
•2009 Acquired Eagle Industries as a wholly-owned subsidiary, expanding position in the domestic and international accessories markets serving military and law enforcement customers.

A Brief History
Domicilio: Ruta 11 km 323 - (2156) Fray Luis Beltrán
Provincia de Santa Fe - República Argentina
Teléfono: (54-341) 4916238
Fax: (54-341) 4916608
Fabrica Militar Fray Luis Beltran Website
From Website:
Dentro de la reorganización del Servicio de
Arsenales del Ejército Argentino dispuesta por Decreto del 13 de enero de 1898,
fue creado el Arsenal Regional del Litoral con sede en Puerto Borghi (Provincia de
Santa Fe) que, por Decreto del 10 de febrero de 1917 fue denominado Arsenal
"San Lorenzo". Su instalación se inicio el 3 de octubre de 1904; como anexo
se dispuso establecer allí una Planta para producir, en pequeña escala, municiones,
espoletas y también otros elementos como herraduras, pinturas y lubricantes.
En 1933 se emprendió la ampliación de los talleres de este Arsenal, encargándose
a Europa las maquinarias para producir munición de armas portátiles. Esta Planta,
cuya creación fue dispuesta el 27 de septiembre de 1933, tuvo el carácter y la
denominación de Fábrica de Munición de Armas Portátiles; el 24 de diciembre de 1936
dejo de constituir un anexo del Arsenal para integrar orgánicamente, la Dirección de
Fábricas Militares del Ejército Argentino.
En 1939 se constituyó en el Arsenal San Lorenzo la denominada Planta Experimental de
Munición de Artillería de Puerto Borghi, con el objeto de contribuir al
abastecimiento bélico pero, especialmente, de adiestrar al personal que debía prestar
servicios en la planta que se construía en Río III.
El 9 de octubre de 1941 se crea la DGFM y el 8 de octubre de 1943 la Planta
Experimental fue transformada en Fabrica Militar de Munición de Artillería "Borghi".
En años posteriores tuvieron lugar diversas modificaciones de índole orgánica
y operativa: 1950 los dos establecimientos que funcionaban en Puerto Borghi fueron
rebautizados como Fábrica Militar de Cartuchos "San Lorenzo" y Fábrica
Militar de Artillería "San Lorenzo"; el 1º de abril de 1955 ambas se
fusionaron bajo el nombre de Fábrica Militar "San Lorenzo", que el
21 de abril de 1961 se reemplazo por el actual de Fábrica Militar "Fray Luis Beltrán".
El centro industrial surgió sobre la base de los talleres del Ejército (Arsenal de
Puerto Borghi) perpetua desde 1961 el nombre y la memoria del sacerdote mendocino,
Teniente Coronel Ingeniero Fray Luis Beltrán.
Hoy, esta Fábrica Militar, orgullo de quien le diera su origen ( Ejército Argentino)
constituye un importante centro industrial.

A Brief History
Freedom Munitions is the parent company of multiple ammunition brands. They are located at the same address in Lewiston, Idaho as brands such as AmmoLoad and X-Treme Bullets. They also offer both primed and unprimed re-processed cartridge cases. Other iterations on the 9mm Luger caliber cartridge cases include "FM 9MM LUGER", different from the "FM 9mm" seen here.
Kash CA, Inc. purchased the umbrella of companies related to Freedom Munitions and Howell Machine and Technology in 2019 and is still the owner, currently producing headstamps with Freedom Munitions, "FM", "X-TREME", "LAX", and "IMT".
Contact information:
815 D St
Lewiston, ID 83501

A Brief History
Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre S.A.
Voie de Liege 33
Liege, Belgium

A Brief History
Headquarters and international markets :
Voie de Liège 33
Tel : (32 4) 240 81 11
Fax : (32 4) 240 88 99
For the United States only :
1364 Beverly Road, Suite 303
McLean, VA 22101 USA
Tel : +1-703 288-3500
Fax : +1-703 288-4505
From Website:
Fabrique Nationale d 'Armes de Guerre was established in 1889 to manufacture 150,000 Mauser rifles ordered by the Belgian Government. From the very start, the company focused on innovation and product improvement. Military requirements have been the foundation for our commitment to the highest standards of quality.
As soon as 1898, The company enters into a long lasting relationship with John Moses Browning, probably the most innovative firearms designer in history.
Together FN and Browning produced several of the most prestigious weapons in the world, like the 9mm Hi-Power Pistol and Browning machine guns. Synonimous with innovation and dependability, FN Herstal today equips virtually the entire world, continually exploring small arms business opportunities and developping innovative products.
In 1989, FN takes over USRAC - US Repeating Arms company, manufacturer of the legendary Winchester ® rifles and carbines used by millions of americans for recreationnal shooting and hunting.
FN Herstal headquarters are located in the city of Herstal in Belgium,the heart of Europe. Facilities in Europe and the United States are equipped with state-of-the-art, high performance machinery. All members of FN Herstal are skilled, trained professionals, and are proud to provide our products, training, support, and services worldwide.

A Brief History
From Hornady representative:
"There are two versions of the Frontier line. We started the line in the mid to late 70's with cases that were being reconditioned (mixed headstamps). When we reinstated the current Frontier line, in the early 2000's we were doing this with the Lake City company and we supplied all of the bullets and they were building the cases and loading the rounds."
The Frontier product line is sold by Hornady and features Hornady bullets, but the cartridge cases are made by Lake City.
Contact information:
Hornady Manufacturing Company
3625 Old Potash Highway
Grand Island, Nebraska 68803

A Brief History
Fort Scott Munitions is known for their SCS (Solid Copper Spun) projectiles, which are sold separately as reloading components in multiple handgun calibers.
From the company website:
Fort Scott Munitions™ opened its doors in 2016 to serve as the premiere tactical store of Southeast Kansas. We are your one-stop-shop for all of your tactical needs including guns, knives, gear, apparel, and Fort Scott Munitions™ ammo that is made right here in Fort Scott.