Headstamp Guide - Letters - X

A Brief History
Two possibilities for the source of "X-RING"
1) Was/is a product from Quantum Ammunition. It was the subject of a recall: https://www.inceptorammo.com/product-safety-warning/
2) Was/is a product from X-Ring Ammunition, LLC. At the time of this posting (2/11/2020), it is unclear if this company is in business.
3903 Brookside Dr.
Crown Point, IN 46307
Phone 219-663-6854

A Brief History
X-Treme Bullets sells both cartridge cases and bullets under the parent company of Freedom Munitions. They are located at the same address in Lewiston, Idaho as Freedom Munitions brands such as AmmoLoad. The headstamp of "X-TREME" can be found on both pistol and rifle cartridge cases that they make. They also offer both primed and unprimed re-processed cartridge cases.
Kash CA, Inc. purchased the umbrella of companies related to Freedom Munitions and Howell Machine and Technology in 2019 and is still the owner, currently producing headstamps with Freedom Munitions, "X-TREME", "LAX", and "IMT".
Contact information:

A Brief History
X-Force ammunition line, made by Sumbro Trade in Macedonia. Sumbro Trade is a subsidiary of Real Trade Praha, a Czech trade company. Also known to have SUMBRO headstamps, typically on 9mm or 7.62 caliber cartridges
Real Trade Praha: https://www.army-military.com/