Headstamp Guide - Numbers
Headstamps with Numeric Characters

A Brief History
1776 USA markets their ammunition as Lead Free Sporting Ammunition, and it is sold in handgun calibers. Made in the USA.

A Brief History
Based on the date (00), Kazanlak Arsenal (previously named Durjava Voenna Fabrika) in Bulgaria. Prior to 1946, "10" referred to the Russian State Arsenal. Factory ceased operations in 1946.

A Brief History
Based on the date (05), Kazanlak Arsenal (previously named Durjava Voenna Fabrika) in Bulgaria. Prior to 1946, "10" referred to the Russian State Arsenal. Factory ceased operations in 1946.

A Brief History
Two possibilities, based on date of manufacture:
1) With headstamp date post-1946: Kazanlak Arsenal, Bulgaria (previously named Durjava Voenna Fabrika).
2) With headstamp prior to 1946: Russian State Arsenal, unknown location. Factory operations ceased in 1946.

A Brief History
Prvi Partizan
Milosa Obrenovica 2
31000 Uzice
Phone: +381 31 511 382
Fax: +318 31 515 350
e-mail: ppnp@neobee.net
From Website:
Prvi Partizan company was founded in 1928. In those days it was operating under the name FOMU - Arms and Ammunition Factory Uzice. A production program was based on hunting arms and ammunition production in calibers 12, 16 and 20.
The factory had developed pistol and revolver ammunition production by the year 1938. in calibers: 6.35mm, 7.65mm and 9mm Browning; 5.8mm Velodog; 8mm Gasser; 8mm and 9mm Steyr; 7.62mm Nagant; 9mm, 11.2mm and 12 mm Central; and since 1940. rifle ammunition in caliber 7.9 has been produced.

A Brief History
Prvi Partizan
Milosa Obrenovica 2
31000 Uzice
Phone: +381 31 511 382
Fax: +318 31 515 350
e-mail: ppnp@neobee.net
From Website:
Prvi Partizan company was founded in 1928. In those days it was operating under the name FOMU - Arms and Ammunition Factory Uzice. A production program was based on hunting arms and ammunition production in calibers 12, 16 and 20.
The factory had developed pistol and revolver ammunition production by the year 1938. in calibers: 6.35mm, 7.65mm and 9mm Browning; 5.8mm Velodog; 8mm Gasser; 8mm and 9mm Steyr; 7.62mm Nagant; 9mm, 11.2mm and 12 mm Central; and since 1940. rifle ammunition in caliber 7.9 has been produced.

A Brief History
The mark "-" between the * and the 11 is a symbol indicating that it is a single flash hole Berdan primed cartridge.
Povazske Strojarne Narodni Podnik Povaszka Bystrica
Factory #2
Povazska Bystrica

A Brief History
Translation of writing on the box containing the cartridges:
7.9 mm rifle bullet
15 pieces
with heavy round
Varus "PJ" Ser. 5/53
cardboard factory
Ljubljana 1951
Factory Code "12" represents the factory Igman, Konjic, in what is now independent Bosnia and Herzegovina, was formerly Yugoslavia.
Photo of box with wording posted by Evan Thompson.
Translation provided by Justine Kreso.
Factory information provided by Technical Advisor Pete McCutcheon.

A Brief History
Barnaul Machine-Tool Plant Website
Barnaul Ammunition Website
From Website:
JSC "Barnaul Machine Tool Plant" is one of the leading producers of industrial goods and ammunition in Russia. The history of the plant's dates far back in the past to the times of Aleksander I. He was the Emperor who ordered to open one of the first cartridge plants of Russia in St. Petersburg in 1869. Later, during the First World War Russian Army was supplied by it's production. The plant operated in St.Petersburg till the Civil War. When the German Forces were coming to St. Petersburg, the plant was evacuated from the Moscow region to Podolsk city. With the beginning of the Second World War (1941~1945), under the threat of Moscow siege by German Forces, the Podolsk Cartridge Plant was evacuated to Barnaul. It is here where all issues of almost all types of cartridges was started. The first echelon of ammunition for the Soviet Army was sent from Barnaul in about a month. It is well known that almost every second cartridge used by Soviet Forces during the Second World War was produced in Barnaul. The city, where the Barnaul Machine Tool Plant is situated, is in an advantageous geographic position. The presence of all direction railways, one of the main highways of the country and an international airport allows to promote goods successfully. The company has long term and stable contacts with large suppliers of raw materials and also some direct relationships with Russian and foreign firms, whose numbers are increasing. Unique technology and great scientific potential allow us to develop new types of products and to extend their range. The most substantial trend of plant activity is the manufacturing of sporting and hunting cartridges for rifled armor and shotgun cartridges for smooth bore rifles. Ballistic, constructional and exploiting characteristics of sport hunting cartridges do not yield to the best foreign analogues, modern technology of production allows us to keep prices for them stable and competitive. This makes the company one of the largest suppliers of cartridges in Russia and also gives an opportunity to deliver cartridges regularly to the United States of America, Europe and Asia. Such orientation on new development trends in the world ammunition market and ambitions for technology improvement are the central moments in the plant's market policy which provide for the dynamics of it's development.

A Brief History
Novosibirsk Low Voltage Equipment Plant (LVE), now known as Novosibirsk Cartridge Plant (JSC “NPZ”), located in Russia.
Cyrillic letter similar to reversed 'N' at bottom represents 1955 year of production.
Contact information:
30 а, ul.Stantsionnaya, Novosibirsk, 630108, RUSSIA

A Brief History
7.62x54R ball from Poland, red case mouth sealant, copper-washed steel case, brass primer, red primer sealanty, headstamp (reveresed) 21 83. Packed in 20-round paper bundles, unmarkled, with twine binding. Note that the cartridge case has to be turned to properly read the headstamp numbers, unlike headstamps from Hungary and Romania also carrying 21 as a headstamp plany code, whioh can be read without turning the case around.

A Brief History
Matravideki Femmuvek Sirok, Hungary.
Note that the cartridge case can be read without turning the case around, unlike headstamps from Poland and Romania also carrying 21 as a headstamp plant code, which have to be turned 180 degrees to properly read the headstamp numbers.

A Brief History
Logansk Cartridge Works is known as Ukraine's small arms ammunition factory, and is located in Eastern Ukraine. They produce cartridges and tools used in the production of cartridges.
Contact information:
1 Poshtova Str., Build. No. 260, 91005, Lugansk, Ukraine

A Brief History
Factory code '3' represents Kombinati Mekanik Poliçan, Berat, Albania.
'89' represents 2-digit year
What looks like a '7' is most likely a "I" with a badly worn bunter - these cartridges will feature either a "I", a "II", or "III" marking that possibly signify different product lines in the factory.
7.62x39mm often referred to as m.54 by Albanians. Albania purchased cartridge manufacturing machines from French Manhurin company during this time.
Information provided by Pete McCutcheon, Technical Advisor.

A Brief History
Case manufactured by Starline in Missouri
3-D Ammunition Inc.
Box J 112 W. Plum
Doniphan, NE 68832
Fax: (402)845-6546

A Brief History
Produced in Zakład Produkcji Specjalnej Fabryki Maszyn Rolniczych,Wroclaw-Pilczyce, Poland.

A Brief History
Made by a factory in Irkutsk, Oblast, Siberia, Russia, that was set up for ammunition production during World War II. Years 1943-1945 have been observed on cartridges from this factory. The one pictured was produced in 1945.

A Brief History
Made in Frunze,USSR, which was known as that name up to 1991, and is now known as Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan.
'E' letter is of the Cyrillic alphabet, which stands for the year of production: 1954.

A Brief History
The factory code '7' represents Vympel, Amursk, Eastern Russia.
"Federal State Enterprise Amur Cartridge Plant “Vympel” is the only cartridge plant in the Russian Far East. The plant uses advanced automatic rotary and rotary-conveyor equipment for production of ammunition.
On February 26, 2006, official decree No. 265-p by the Government of the Russian Federation transferred “Vympel” to the category of federal state-owned enterprises and so the plant got its new name “Amur Cartridge Plant Vympel” ".
Quoted material taken from website: http://en.vympel-apz.ru/

A Brief History
88 = 1988 year of manufacture
13 = code for ball cartridge
1 = ball
3 = third variant
Pretoria Metal Pressings
Private Bag X334
Republic of South Africa
PMP Website
From Website:
PMP has been involved in the manufacture of ammunition since 1931. It is a division of Denel (Pty) Ltd, a well-known player on the world defence market.
PMP has established itself as a manufacturer of world class military and commercial ammunition products and components. Its small and medium calibre ammunition ranges conform to the most exacting military standards and specifications, and are manufactured in comprehensive facilities at Pretoria West. The small arms range varies from 5,56 mm to 12,7 mm and the medium calibre range from 20 mm to 35 mm. High quality percussion caps of all types are also produced.
PMP's portfolio also includes the NTW-20 multi-calibre anti-material rifle,renowned for high accuracy and all-climate reliability.
In addition 80 tons of brass are casted daily at PMP's non-ferrous foundry and rolling plant, of which a significant portion is exported as commercial strip and cups for the production of cartridge cases and bullets, and the rest utilised for its own ammunition production.
PMP's range of commercial ammunition for handguns and hunting rifles is renowned for its very high quality, and its PRO-AMM range of hunting ammunition has secured a place in the top echelons of this competitive market.
The company is also a world leader in the production of power cartridges and cutting charges, and its PROBIT rock drill bits have gained market share in the mining industry.
More than 70% of PMP's production is exported to countries all over the world, and the company is thus an important earner of foreign exchange
PMP is the proud holder of a SABS listing for the internationally recognised ISO 9001 quality standard, and it also boasts a NOSCAR rating for safety.
Although State-owned, Denel is registered under the South African Companies Act and operates as a profit-driven company. At the end of 2000, the South African Government announced its intention to sell some shareholding in both its Aerospace and Ordnance Groups to international strategic equity partners.
Denel consists of several predominantly defence-related divisions. It has 10 500 employees and generates about R3,75-billion (approx. US$500-million) in turnover.
PMP, a division in Denel's Ordnance Group, has been involved in the development and production of small and medium calibre ammunition for the past 62 years. Major investments in technology and aquipment have enabled it to successfully enter the international market, supplying complete ammunition products, as well as ammunition components to defence forces and armaments industries in 60 countries around the world.
Today it sells between 20 and 30 million round of commercial ammunition per year to the United States, and is also one of the largest suppliers of hunting ammunition to Europe.

A Brief History
12.7x99mm (50 BMG) caliber ball from South Africa, 1997 production, Pretoria Metal Pressings (PMP), gilding metal jacket, mild steel core, smooth crimp cannelure, brass cased, brass percussion primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab crimp. "15" refers to loading, not a plant/manufacturer code. Type 1 (i.e. ball), 5th model.
Pretoria Metal Pressings
Private Bag X334
Republic of South Africa
PMP Website
From Website:
PMP has been involved in the manufacture of ammunition since 1931. It is a division of Denel (Pty) Ltd, a well-known player on the world defence market.
PMP has established itself as a manufacturer of world class military and commercial ammunition products and components. Its small and medium calibre ammunition ranges conform to the most exacting military standards and specifications, and are manufactured in comprehensive facilities at Pretoria West. The small arms range varies from 5,56 mm to 12,7 mm and the medium calibre range from 20 mm to 35 mm. High quality percussion caps of all types are also produced.
PMP's portfolio also includes the NTW-20 multi-calibre anti-material rifle,renowned for high accuracy and all-climate reliability.
In addition 80 tons of brass are casted daily at PMP's non-ferrous foundry and rolling plant, of which a significant portion is exported as commercial strip and cups for the production of cartridge cases and bullets, and the rest utilised for its own ammunition production.
PMP's range of commercial ammunition for handguns and hunting rifles is renowned for its very high quality, and its PRO-AMM range of hunting ammunition has secured a place in the top echelons of this competitive market.
The company is also a world leader in the production of power cartridges and cutting charges, and its PROBIT rock drill bits have gained market share in the mining industry.
More than 70% of PMP's production is exported to countries all over the world, and the company is thus an important earner of foreign exchange
PMP is the proud holder of a SABS listing for the internationally recognised ISO 9001 quality standard, and it also boasts a NOSCAR rating for safety.
Although State-owned, Denel is registered under the South African Companies Act and operates as a profit-driven company. At the end of 2000, the South African Government announced its intention to sell some shareholding in both its Aerospace and Ordnance Groups to international strategic equity partners.
Denel consists of several predominantly defence-related divisions. It has 10 500 employees and generates about R3,75-billion (approx. US$500-million) in turnover.
PMP, a division in Denel's Ordnance Group, has been involved in the development and production of small and medium calibre ammunition for the past 62 years. Major investments in technology and aquipment have enabled it to successfully enter the international market, supplying complete ammunition products, as well as ammunition components to defence forces and armaments industries in 60 countries around the world.
Today it sells between 20 and 30 million round of commercial ammunition per year to the United States, and is also one of the largest suppliers of hunting ammunition to Europe.

A Brief History
12.7x99mm (50 BMG) caliber ball from South Africa, 1998 production, Pretoria Metal Pressings (PMP), gilding metal jacket, mild steel core, smooth crimp cannelure, brass cased, brass percussion primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab crimp. Reportedly part of a lot originally produced for either Columbia or Kazakhstan. M1A5 bullet.
Pretoria Metal Pressings
Private Bag X334
Republic of South Africa
PMP Website
From Website:
PMP has been involved in the manufacture of ammunition since 1931. It is a division of Denel (Pty) Ltd, a well-known player on the world defence market.
PMP has established itself as a manufacturer of world class military and commercial ammunition products and components. Its small and medium calibre ammunition ranges conform to the most exacting military standards and specifications, and are manufactured in comprehensive facilities at Pretoria West. The small arms range varies from 5,56 mm to 12,7 mm and the medium calibre range from 20 mm to 35 mm. High quality percussion caps of all types are also produced.
PMP's portfolio also includes the NTW-20 multi-calibre anti-material rifle,renowned for high accuracy and all-climate reliability.
In addition 80 tons of brass are casted daily at PMP's non-ferrous foundry and rolling plant, of which a significant portion is exported as commercial strip and cups for the production of cartridge cases and bullets, and the rest utilised for its own ammunition production.
PMP's range of commercial ammunition for handguns and hunting rifles is renowned for its very high quality, and its PRO-AMM range of hunting ammunition has secured a place in the top echelons of this competitive market.
The company is also a world leader in the production of power cartridges and cutting charges, and its PROBIT rock drill bits have gained market share in the mining industry.
More than 70% of PMP's production is exported to countries all over the world, and the company is thus an important earner of foreign exchange
PMP is the proud holder of a SABS listing for the internationally recognised ISO 9001 quality standard, and it also boasts a NOSCAR rating for safety.
Although State-owned, Denel is registered under the South African Companies Act and operates as a profit-driven company. At the end of 2000, the South African Government announced its intention to sell some shareholding in both its Aerospace and Ordnance Groups to international strategic equity partners.
Denel consists of several predominantly defence-related divisions. It has 10 500 employees and generates about R3,75-billion (approx. US$500-million) in turnover.
PMP, a division in Denel's Ordnance Group, has been involved in the development and production of small and medium calibre ammunition for the past 62 years. Major investments in technology and aquipment have enabled it to successfully enter the international market, supplying complete ammunition products, as well as ammunition components to defence forces and armaments industries in 60 countries around the world.
Today it sells between 20 and 30 million round of commercial ammunition per year to the United States, and is also one of the largest suppliers of hunting ammunition to Europe.

A Brief History
The characters are the Hebrew letters "T" and "Z" signifying "Taaseia Tzvaet" and meaning "Military Industry". This is the giovernment branch under which the arsenal at Tel Aviv operates. The figures are believed to be the third month of 1974.

A Brief History
The orange sealant on the pictured 7.62x39mm cartridge is quite distinct as being sold by Hansen Cartridge Company. Their ammunition didn't always have a manufacturer's headstamp, like the one pictured, but the one here does have a year of manufacture. Hansen ammunition was imported from Yugoslavia and Israel, and sometimes featured headstamps of "IK" (from Igman-Konjic) and "IMI" ( from Israel). Other known headstamps include "HCC". Other known cartridge manufacturers who's product was imported by Hansen Cartridge Company included Prvi Partizan. The company was based out of Southport, Connecticut but has since gone out of business.

A Brief History
Reported as made in Austria by Hirtenberg, after which the cartridges were shipped to South Africa. This setup was in place during a period of arms embargo, which is why the headstamp does not explicitly state the manufacturer. The character in the 9 o'clock position is an 'O', reported as a month code. The number in the 3 o'clock position is reported as a year code. The numbers 7 and 8 have been seen on this type of ammunition, and a variety of calibers have been seen with this type of headstamp.
Reference: Technical Advisor Pete McCutcheon