Become a Member - Technical Advisor Application
According to the AFTE Bylaws, “Designated employees of manufacturers of products used or encountered in the investigation of firearm or toolmark evidence, or specialists in closely related fields, whose area of expertise would be beneficial to the Association may apply for membership as a Technical Advisor, provided they fully and thoroughly complete the application form.” As a Technical advisor, you may attend all meetings and you may subscribe to the Journal at a reduced rate, but you will have no other membership rights and you will not have to pay dues.
- Complete and return the application form, all questions must be answered. Use additional pages as necessary. All questions must be answered. Use additional pages as necessary.
- A copy of your current C.V. or resume and the letter of recommendation from the AFTE member sponsoring you should be included with the completed application form.
- Be sure to attach a current photograph, without using staples, to the application. AFTE Store payment is preferred. If paying by check, please mail all checks to:
Ally Anderson
602 East Main St
Durham, NC 27701
- If you would like a subscription to the AFTE Journal, please enclose a check, payable to AFTE for $40.00. AFTE Store payment is preferred.
- Mail or email your completed application package to the Membership Secretary at the address below. Your completed application must include the following:
- The completed application with photograph
- Curriculum Vitae or Resume
- Letter of Recommendation from your AFTE Sponsor
- A check covering the $35 Registration Fee made payable to AFTE . AFTE Store payment is preferred.
- A check covering the $40 AFTE Journal Subscription Fee made payable to AFTE (If Desired). AFTE Store payment is preferred.
- If accepted as a Technical Advisor, you will have the above rights for five years. At the end of that time, you will have to apply once again if you wish to continue as an AFTE Technical Advisor. If you do not re-apply five years after your membership date, your status as AFTE Technical Advisor will be terminated.
Technical Advisor Membership Application
Upon receipt by me, the application is recorded and reviewed. If all elements of the application have not been properly completed, it will be returned to you. Otherwise, it will be forwarded to the Board of Admissions for review. We thank you for your interest in the Association. If I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at the address below.
Jessica Winn, Membership Secretary
CA DOJ BFS Fresno Regional Lab
5311 N. Woodrow Ave.
Fresno, CA 93740
Phone: 559-862-2634
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