The role of the firearm and/or toolmark examiner in formulating opinions relative to evidence which otherwise stands mute before the bar of justice significantly affects the administration of justice. Fully qualified firearm and/or toolmark examiners, based on their training, research, and acquired knowledge, stand prepared to give voice to this otherwise mute evidence.
In recognition of the need for the interchange of information, methods, development of standards, and the furtherance of research, a group of skilled and ethical firearm and/or toolmark examiners met together regularly prior to 1969. In that year they formed the Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners, recognizing that firearm and toolmark identification, though involving similar disciplines, requires separate and distinct basic knowledge.
Section 1
Name: The name of this organization shall be ASSOCIATION OF FIREARM AND TOOL MARK EXAMINERS.
Section 2
Objectives and Purposes: The organization is formed exclusively for charitable, scientific, educational, and testing for public safety purposes; and to improve and elevate the quality, integrity, and public image of the scientific forensic laboratories within the meaning of Section 501(c)3, Internal Revenue Code of 1954. (amended 10/5/2020)
To accomplish these purposes, the members of this Association pledge themselves to the following objectives:
- To conduct and sponsor seminars involving the theory and practice of firearm and toolmark examination and its related subjects.
- To foster the exchange of information between scientific forensic laboratories on the improvement and standardization of the development of firearm and toolmark identification and techniques. (amended 10/5/2020)
- To publish and issue to members a journal covering the latest developments in firearm and toolmark examination.
- To make unrestricted gifts to universities and those who are listed in the United States Internal Revenue Service Cumulative List.
- To engage in the testing of firearms, components, ammunition, and examiners for the benefit of public safety.
- To respond to requests from courts, judicial tribunals, executive and legislative branches of the government for the names of qualified expert witnesses in the field of firearm and toolmark identification.
Section 1
Offices: The Association shall be operated as a “not for profit” organization with its registered corporate office of business in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois. Executive headquarters and business offices may be established in such city and cities of the United States and elsewhere as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine.
Section 2
Legal Organization:
- None of the receipts or assets of the Association shall inure to the benefit of any individual member. In the event the Association terminates its activities, any remaining assets are to be transferred by the last elected officials to a scientific and/or educational police organization or institution having similar objectives.
- All Officers, members of the Board of Directors, and others, when so authorized by the Board of Directors when acting pursuant to their authority in this Association, shall be reimbursed by the Association for all costs and expenses incurred on its behalf.
- Funds for meeting the expenses of the Association shall be raised by annual dues, assessments, voluntary contributions, and such income as may come to the Association through the collective efforts of its members. No financial obligations of the Association may be incurred by anyone or any group of members, except upon the prior authorization of or allocation of funds by the Board of Directors. All disbursements shall be made by the Treasurer.
- The Association shall procure insurance which includes as insureds the Association and its past and present officers, directors, and any committee members acting on its behalf. The Association shall also defend, through counsel chosen by the Association or its insurance carrier, any past or present officer, director or committee member from and against any claims growing out of the incorporating, chartering, forming, or day-to-day operation of this Association, and shall indemnify any such persons for liability resulting from such claims. Said defense and indemnity shall apply only to alleged acts or omissions performed while acting in an authorized capacity on behalf of the Association. (Amended 6/1/2009)
- The amount of compensation, if any, deemed by the Internal Revenue Service or a Court of Law to be excessive shall be repaid.
Section 1
Eligibility for Membership:
- Membership in the Association shall be limited to those persons of integrity with suitable education, training, and experience in the examination of firearms and/or toolmarks.
- For purposes of membership, a practicing firearm and/or toolmark examiner shall be defined as an individual who derives a substantial portion of their livelihood from the examination, identification, and evaluation of firearms and related materials and/or toolmarks; or an individual whose present livelihood is a direct result of the knowledge and experience gained from the examination, identification, and evaluation of firearms and related materials and/or toolmarks.
Note: Members of the Association do not lose their membership status due to a change in their job (e.g., retirement or promotion). (Added 6/2/2022)
Section 2
Qualifications for Membership Classes:
- Provisional Member –
- Practicing firearm and/or toolmark examiners and student/trainees in the profession of firearm and/or toolmark identification may be accepted as Provisional Members, provided that they:
- conform to Association requirements for candidacy and are respected members of the community,
- derive a substantial majority of their income from actively examining, identifying, and evaluating firearms and related materials and/or toolmarks,
- fully and thoroughly complete the application form,
- submit letters of recommendation from two (2) Regular Members of the Association. In the event the applicant for membership is unable to obtain letters of recommendation from two (2) Regular Members, a letter of explanation shall be attached to the application indicating the reason(s) the recommendations are not available to the applicant. In the absence of two (2) regular members who are knowledgeable enough to comment on the merits of the applicant, the Board of Admissions may consider recommendations from Provisional Members of the Association, judges, prosecuting attorneys, defense attorneys, and/or the equivalent. (Amended 5/30/2024)
- At the discretion of the Board of Admissions, the applicant may also be required to participate in an oral interview or other form of investigation.
- Except by special approval of the Board of Directors, Provisional Member status shall be held for no more than five (5) years. In the absence of special approval, Provisional Members who have not applied for the status of Regular Member within five (5) years will lose all membership rights. Extension of Provisional Membership may also be obtained by direct appeal to the voting membership at the first regularly scheduled business meeting of the Association after denial by the Board of Directors. In such cases, a favorable vote of at least seventy-five per cent (75%) of the voting members present and voting shall be required to overturn the action of the Board of Directors.
- Provisional Members enjoy all rights and privileges of Regular Membership, except that they may not vote or hold office.
- Practicing firearm and/or toolmark examiners and student/trainees in the profession of firearm and/or toolmark identification may be accepted as Provisional Members, provided that they:
- Regular Member –
- Any Provisional Member in good standing may apply to the Board of Admissions for promotion to the status of Regular Member provided that they:
- have been a Provisional Member in good standing for at least three (3) years,
- derive a majority of their income from actively examining, identifying, and evaluating firearms and related materials and/or toolmarks,
- submit a completed application for regular membership form, letters of recommendation and “Certificate of Applicant Qualification” forms from three (3) Regular Members of the Association, and a dated and signed letter to the following effect: “I have completed three (3) or more years of training in the field of firearm and/or toolmark identification. I am still actively engaged in the field. I hereby request advancement to the status of Regular Member. I know of no valid reason why my request should not be affirmed.” The application, letters, and statement should be forwarded directly to the Membership Secretary.
- At the discretion of the Board of Admissions, the applicant may also be required to participate in an oral interview or other form of investigation.
- Any Provisional Member in good standing may apply to the Board of Admissions for promotion to the status of Regular Member provided that they:
- Distinguished Member –
- To reward a member’s superior effort in furthering the work and purposes of the Association, the class of Distinguished Member is established. Any Regular Member of the Association who accumulates ten (10) points by the manner described herein and who has not been censured or disciplined during the period of membership shall be advanced to Distinguished Member. Distinguished Members retain all of the rights and privileges of Regular Members.
- Points toward Distinguished Membership are accumulated in the following manner:
- Attendance at Annual Meeting (1 point)*
- Association Officer (2 points)
- Committee Member (2 points)*
- Presentation at Annual Meeting (amended 5/30/2011) **
- Paper Presentation (2 points)
- Poster Presentation (1 point)
- Workshop Presentation (2 points) ***
- Contributions to Journal
- Full article, as defined and published by the Journal Editorial Committee (2 points)**
- Case report or technical report as defined and published by the Journal Editorial Committee (1 point)**
* Maximum of two (2) points toward total of ten (10).
** Points will only be awarded once for each different presentation (paper, poster, or workshop) given at annual meeting and contribution (article, case report, or technical report) to the Journal. (amended 5/30/2011)
***Points for a workshop will only be awarded to members who are not compensated in any way by AFTE for presenting the workshop. (added 5/30/2011)
- An Associate or Provisional Member who accumulates the necessary ten (10) points prior to becoming a Regular Member shall automatically become a Distinguished Member upon promotion to Regular Member status. (amended 10/5/20)
- Point accumulation only occurs while an individual is a member. (added 10/5/20)
- Emeritus Member –
- Emeritus Membership may be conferred upon Distinguished Members who:
- are recognized as having served the interests of the Association or scientific discipline of firearms and toolmark examination in an exceptional manner, and
- have served as a member of the Association for a minimum of twenty-five (25) years, or
- have reached the age of sixty-five (65) and who are retired from their usual place of employment and are no longer actively engaged in the field of firearm and/or toolmark examination.
- A candidate for this status must be recommended in writing to the Advisory Committee, who shall determine if the individual meets the criteria as set forth above. The recommendation must cite the manner of exceptional service to the Association or discipline. Only Distinguished Members may recommend individuals for Emeritus Membership. The names of individuals qualified to receive Emeritus Membership shall be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors and presented by the Advisory Committee to the membership at the annual business meeting of the Association. A majority of the voting members present at the meeting must vote in favor of Emeritus Membership in order for it to be conferred.
- Emeritus Members shall enjoy all rights and benefits of Regular Membership but shall pay no dues. (Amended 6/1/2009)
- Emeritus Membership may be conferred upon Distinguished Members who:
- Honorary Member –
- Honorary Membership may be conferred upon individuals in recognition of distinguished service to the Association or to the field of firearm and/or toolmark examination.
- Individuals may be nominated for Honorary Membership by any Regular Member of the Association. Such nominations must be in writing, accompanied by the signatures of at least ten (10) other Regular Members acting as seconds, and must fully describe the actions or activities that warrant consideration. The completed documents must be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual business meeting of the Association. The Board of Directors must present, with their recommendation, the submitted nominations to the general membership at the Annual Meeting. A majority of voting members present must vote in favor of Honorary Membership in order for it to be conferred.
- Honorary Members may attend all meetings of the Association but shall have no other membership rights, nor shall they pay dues.
- Technical Advisor –
- Designated employees of manufacturers of products used or encountered in the investigation of firearm or toolmark evidence, or specialists in closely related fields, whose area of expertise would be beneficial to the Association, may apply for membership as Technical Advisors, provided they fully and thoroughly complete the application form. (Amended 6/1/2009)
- Technical Advisors may attend all meetings and may subscribe to the Journal at a reduced rate to be set by the Board of Directors, but shall have no other membership rights, nor shall they pay dues.
- Change in membership status from Technical Advisor to Regular Member shall be by submission of a new membership application as provided under the membership class of Regular Member.
- Except by special approval of the Board of Directors, Technical Advisor status shall be conveyed in five (5) year increments. At the end of each five (5) year segment, Technical Advisors must renew their status through the application process. Any Advisor who does not reapply by their five (5) year anniversary date will have their Technical Advisor status terminated.
- Associate Member (Added 5/30/2019)
- Practicing firearm technicians who are employed to support the Firearm/Toolmark unit of a Forensic Laboratory may be accepted as Associate Members, provided that they:
conform to Association requirements for candidacy,
actively engage in one or a combination of the following activities: examining firearms and related materials, test firing firearms, performing database entries and/or database correlations, serial number restoration, write reports of examinations and are subject to testimony for work performed,
fully and thoroughly complete the application form,
submit Associate Member Recommendation Forms from two (2) Regular Members of the Association. In the event the applicant for membership is unable to obtain letters of recommendation from two (2) Regular Members, a letter of explanation shall be attached to the application indicating the reason(s) the recommendations are not available to the applicant. In the absence of two (2) Regular Members who are knowledgeable enough to comment on the merits of the applicant, the Board of Admissions may consider recommendations from Provisional Members and/or the applicant’s laboratory supervisor/management.
At the discretion of the Board of Admissions, the applicant may also be required to participate in an oral interview or other form of investigation.
Except by special approval of the Board of Directors, Associate Member status shall be conveyed in five (5) year increments. At the end of each five (5) year segment, Associate Members must renew their status through the application process. Any Associate Member who does not reapply by their five (5) year anniversary date will have their membership terminated.
Change in membership status from Associate Member to Provisional Member shall be by submission of a new membership application as provided under the membership class of Provisional Member.
Associate Members enjoy all rights and privileges of Regular Membership, except that they may not vote or hold office.
- Practicing firearm technicians who are employed to support the Firearm/Toolmark unit of a Forensic Laboratory may be accepted as Associate Members, provided that they:
Section 3
Termination of Membership – Membership shall be terminated for the following reasons:
- Termination upon request of member. Any member may resign from membership in the Association by giving written notice to either the President, Secretary, Membership Secretary, or Treasurer.
- Termination for failure to pay dues. Any member who shall fail to pay annual dues and/or other assessments by July 1 of the current fiscal year shall not receive the publications of the Association and may be dropped by the Treasurer from the roll of members. Members so dropped may be readmitted only upon the filing of a new application, which shall receive the same consideration as is given other applications.
- Termination for cause. A member may be removed from membership for cause by action as described in the AFTE Code of Ethics, as adopted by the Association.
Section 4
- Only Regular Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote on Association matters.
- Proxy voting shall not be permitted.
Section 1
Annual Training Seminar
- The Association will sponsor at least one (1) training seminar per year at a time and location to be determined by the Board of Directors.
- All training seminars shall be designed to be financially self sufficient. Final fiscal responsibility for all training seminars shall rest with the Board of Directors. At the time a meeting location is determined by the Board of Directors, they shall also determine the following:
- The amount of money that shall be made available to the Host Committee from the Treasurer to be used in the initial planning stages (“seed money”).
- the maximum amount that may be spent on a single item or event without express prior approval,
- any other restraints or limitations that the Board of Directors deems necessary.
- In all financial matters, the Host Committee shall operate as a subcommittee of the Office of the Treasurer.
- The Host Committee shall maintain all financial records using the same accounting methods as the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall supply any necessary computer software and instruction to the Host Committee, who shall be required to submit regular financial reports to the Treasurer.
- The Treasurer and Host Committee shall establish a meeting budget which will include line item categories necessary to monitor income received and expenditures made throughout the planning and execution of the seminar. This information shall be used to generate a detailed financial summary of the training seminar, which will be published in the first AFTE Journal following the last financial transaction of the training seminar. A summary of this report shall also be included in the Treasurer’s Annual Report to the membership.
- All training seminars shall be designed to be financially self sufficient. Final fiscal responsibility for all training seminars shall rest with the Board of Directors. At the time a meeting location is determined by the Board of Directors, they shall also determine the following:
- The purpose of the Training Seminar will be for the dissemination of information, methods research, and other educational material relating to firearms, toolmarks, and associated areas.
- The seminar platform is to be utilized for educational purposes to discuss topics and information which will further the field of firearm and toolmark identification. Presentations will be in accordance with AFTE seminar guidelines.
- In the event that a surplus is generated by the host committee, after seed money has been paid back, the host committee will return the surplus to AFTE’s general funds. The surplus funds shall be designated for future AFTE conferences and will be used at the discretion of a committee appointed by the Board of Directors.
Section 2
Annual Business Meeting: The Association will hold a business meeting in conjunction with each Annual Training Seminar held.
Section 3
Quorum: At the annual business meeting the presence of ten percent (10%) or more of the total voting membership shall constitute a quorum, for the transaction of business.
Section 4
Voting Member: For purposes of these bylaws, the term voting member shall mean any Regular Member of the Association, or anyone having all rights and privileges of a Regular Member.
Section 5
Mid-Year Board of Directors Meeting: As funding allows, the Board of Directors will meet between the annual Training Seminars to conduct Association business. Such meetings will normally be held at the site of the upcoming annual Training Seminar.
Section 1
Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of this Association shall be from January 1 through December 31.
Section 2
- Annual dues shall be assessed against the members of the Association in an amount to be determined by the Board of Directors. Dues must be paid in United States currency.
- Dues Relief for a five (5) year period may be granted to members who have been diagnosed with a serious medical condition or who have been activated for military duties that has required them to discontinue working within the discipline. Members may reapply for continued relief every five (5) years if they qualify.
To qualify for this relief the member must:
- Be a Regular Member or Distinguished Member of the Association in good standing;
- Not working within the discipline during the period of relief;
- Provide a written copy of a medical doctor’s report of the specific condition or military activation documentation;
- Provide a written request for this relief to the association Membership Secretary;
- Agree to notify the Association Membership Secretary of any changes to the above qualification requirements.
The Board of Directors shall have the authority to grant approval and all requests will remain confidential.
Section 3
Life Dues Payment:
- The Board of Directors may allow for the lump sum prepayment of all dues obligations in the form of a Life Dues Payment. The amount and schedule of such prepayment shall be set by the Board of Directors, but shall not be less than ten (10) times the annual dues obligation, and shall be available to Regular Members of the Association. Life Dues Payment shall exist for the purpose of dues prepayment only and shall in no way affect the membership status of the participant.
- Money collected for Life Dues Payment shall be invested in interest bearing accounts or funds and shall be used as a reserve for the purpose of relieving any deficit in the normal operating budget of the Association. Interest and dividends earned from the investment of such money, as well as any surplus funds (defined as monies in excess of the minimum reserve formula) may be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors or designated committee(s) for training, education, and research support of members of the Association. The minimum reserve formula will be calculated by multiplying the number of life dues members by ten times the annual dues fees.
- Use of Life Dues Payment funds for the purposes listed in part (B) of this section must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors of the Association shall create an investment policy statement to insure proper investment of the funds generated. This policy statement shall be reviewed and updated at least yearly.
Section 1
- Except for those matters expressly reserved to the members by statute, the Articles of Incorporation, or these bylaws, the business affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors, consisting of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, the most immediate living Past President, and two (2) Members at Large.
- The Board of Directors shall meet when called by the President.
- A quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of at least six (6) of its members.
Section 2
- Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, and two (2) Members at Large of the Board of Directors.
- In the event of the death, incapacitation, or resignation of the President, the First Vice-President shall automatically be elevated to the office of President for the remainder of the term. In the event the President is unable to act in his or her official capacity on a particular matter, the First Vice-President shall assume the role of Interim President for that matter. (Amended 6/1/2009)
- In the event of a vacancy in the office of First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President shall automatically be elevated to the office of First Vice-President for the remainder of the term.
- In the event of a vacancy in the office of Second Vice-President, the most immediate living Past President shall become Second Vice-President for the remainder of the term.
- In the event a vacancy occurs in the position of Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, or Member at Large by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the President shall appoint a replacement who shall serve until the next annual election. At that time, an election shall be held to fill any remaining term. (Amended 6/1/2009)
Section 3
Election of Officers:
- Only Regular Members of the Association may hold elective office.
- In order to be elected, the nominated individual must receive a majority of the votes cast for all persons running for that particular office.
- The Nominating Committee shall place in nomination the name of no more than one (1) individual for each office. Nominations may also be made from the floor.
- Officers shall be elected at the annual business meeting of the Association and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. The President, First Vice-President, and Second Vice-President shall hold office for one (1) year, and may serve no more than two (2) complete consecutive terms. The Membership Secretary, Secretary, and Treasurer shall hold office for three (3) years, and may serve no more than two (2) complete consecutive terms. Election of the Membership Secretary, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be staggered so as to provide continuity. The Members at Large of the Board of Directors shall hold office for two (2) years, and may not succeed themselves. The two (2) Members at Large of the Board of Directors shall be elected one (1) each year so as to provide staggered terms.
- One (1) year prior to the conclusion of second full terms for the offices of Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer, the Nominating Committee shall, in order to ensure a smooth and orderly transition of job responsibilities, nominate a Membership Secretary-elect, a Secretary-elect and a Treasurer-elect, respectively. Nominations may be made from the floor with the candidate(s) voted on at the annual business meeting.
- Elected Officers shall take office at the annual banquet; or if there is no banquet, at the close of the annual business meeting. (Amended 6/1/2009)
Section 4
Removal of Officers: The Board of Directors may remove an official from office provided three-quarters (3/4) of the Board Members vote to do so. The Official concerned shall be notified in writing of the grievance(s) at least thirty (30) days in advance of the scheduled hearing by the Board of Directors. The Official shall have the right to question those asking for their removal and shall have the right to present witnesses and evidence in their own behalf.
Section 5
Duties of Officers:
- President – The President shall have the final responsibility of running the Association. The President serves as Chair of the Board of Directors and shall preside over all meetings of the Association. Unless otherwise provided for in these bylaws, shall appoint all committee chairs, create committees, and make other appointments as necessary. The President shall keep the Board of Directors and general membership informed of all matters of interest to the Association.
- First Vice-President – the First Vice-President shall serve in the place of the President in the event of the President’s temporary absence. The First Vice-President shall serve as Chair of the Board of Admissions and shall be responsible for the operation of the Nominating Committee, and any other committee that might be assigned. The First Vice-President shall also perform any other duties, as may from time to time be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.
- Second Vice-President – The Second Vice-President shall serve in the place of the President in the event that the President and First Vice-President are temporarily unable to serve. The Second Vice-President shall serve as a member of the Board of Admissions. The Second Vice-President shall also perform any other duties, as may from time to time be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.
- Secretary – The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of the meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors, and shall be responsible for maintaining all other records of the Association. The Secretary shall be responsible for handling and forwarding to the President any correspondence that concerns the running of the Association, and shall be responsible for keeping the membership informed regarding the activities that take place at each annual business meeting. The Secretary shall also perform other duties, as may from time to time be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. (Amended 5/30/2024)
- Membership Secretary – The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for the handling and processing of new applications. The Membership Secretary shall be responsible for transferring membership applications to the Association’s share drive within a reasonable length of time. The Membership Secretary shall also perform other duties, as may from time to time be assigned by the President, Secretary, or Board of Directors. (Amended 5/30/2024)
- Treasurer – The Treasurer shall bill, collect and keep account of, and properly safeguard all funds of the Association and present a financial statement at the meetings of the Board of Directors and the general membership. The Treasurer shall also perform other duties, as may from time to time be assigned by the President or the Board of Directors.
- Members at Large of the Board of Directors – Members at Large shall perform those duties that may, from time to time, be assigned them by the President or the Board of Directors.
- All Officers – It shall be the responsibility of all Officers and Committee Chairs to maintain a set of guidelines listing the duties and procedures of their respective office and/or committee. These guidelines are to be approved by the Board of Directors and are to be passed to each successive Officer or Committee Chair.
Section 1
Designation: The Association shall have the following standing committees, whose functions, composition, and tenure are:
- Nominating Committee –
- The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) Regular Members, each appointed by the President for a three (3) year term. These terms are to be staggered so as to provide continuity; in the case of a vacancy, the President shall appoint a Regular Member to fill the unexpired term.
- The Nominating Committee shall meet on call of the Committee Chair at least four (4) weeks prior to the annual business meeting. The Committee shall consider individuals eligible for election to various offices, as well as recommendations it may receive, and present one (1) nomination for each position that is subject to election.
- The Committee shall obtain biographical information on the nominees it selects and shall have this information published in the official journal of the Association prior to the election.
- The Committee shall administer all elections.
- The Nominating Committee works as an independent body and its deliberations are privileged.
- The slate of officers proposed to the membership by the Nominating Committee is not subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
- Advisory Committee –
- The Advisory Committee shall consist of the five (5) most immediate Past Presidents who are willing to serve; the most immediate Past President shall be the Chair.
- The Advisory Committee shall receive and process applications for Emeritus Member status in the manner described elsewhere in these bylaws. They may also assist the Board of Directors in implementing the objectives of the Association by offering advice and counsel, and by performing those duties that may, from time to time, be assigned them by the President or the Board of Directors.
- Provide the membership with a mechanism for independent and confidential evaluation of proficiency test samples using referee laboratories. (Adopted 6/4/2018)
- Editorial Committee –
- The Editorial Committee shall be responsible for the official publication of the Association, the AFTE Journal. It shall also be responsible for any additional publications that may be directed by the Board of Directors.
- The Editorial Committee shall be composed of members of the Association who have been recommended by the Journal Editor and approved by the Board of Directors. They shall be subject to yearly reappointment. (Amended 5/23/2013 and 6/4/2018)
- The Journal Editor shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The Journal Editor shall serve as Chair of the Editorial Committee.
- The Editorial Committee shall be authorized to offer subscriptions for the AFTE Journal to the general public at a cost to be set by the Board of Directors. Subscription to the Journal in no way confers or implies to confer any membership privileges.
- Ethics Committee –
The Ethics Committee shall be constituted of three (3) Regular members, each appointed by the President, and shall function as described in the AFTE PROCEDURES FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE CODE OF ETHICS, Section B – “The Ethics Committee.” The person serving their third year on the Committee shall serve as Committee Chair. (Adopted 6/1/2009) - Other Standing Committees –
- In addition to the above-listed standing committees, the President shall appoint the following committees:
- Key Person of the Year (Steve Molnar Award)
- Member of the Year (Walter J. Howe Award)
- Sickness and Distress (Amended 6/2/2022)
- Standardization/Training
- Bylaws
- Technical Advisors
- Certification
- Scholarship
- Historical
- Web
- Research and Development
- Scientific Advancement (Amended 6/2/2022)
- Electronic Resource (added 5/25/2015)
- Training Seminar Steering (added 5/25/2015)
- Investment Committee (added 5/15/2017)
- International Liaison and Resource (Added 6/2/2022)
- These committees shall operate according to guidelines formulated by the individual committee and approved by the Board of Directors.
- In addition to the above-listed standing committees, the President shall appoint the following committees:
Section 2
Special, Ad Hoc, or Temporary Committees: Special, Ad Hoc, or temporary committees may be established by the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, in order to carry out tasks which must be specified at the time of creation. The length of service of such committees shall be determined at the time of creation, and is not to exceed two (2) years; the committee Chair may request a one (1) year extension, to be approved by the Board of Directors, if necessary, to complete the assigned tasks. Committees whose assigned tasks are found to require more than a total of three (3) years must become Standing Committees by specific amendment of Article VII, Section 1.(E).1 of these bylaws.
Section 1
The Board of Admissions shall consist of five (5) members: the First Vice-President of the Association, who shall serve as Chair of the Committee; the Second Vice-President of the Association; and three (3) Regular Members of the Association, who shall be elected by the voting membership of the Association, and who shall serve for three (3) year terms, staggered, so as to provide continuity.
Section 2
If any vacancy should occur in the term of any of the three (3) Regular Member positions, the President of the Association shall appoint a Regular Member to fill the unexpired portion of that term.
Section 3
The Board of Admissions shall be responsible for conducting interviews, examinations, and investigations of individuals seeking Regular Member, Provisional Member, Technical Advisor, or Associate Member (Amended 5/30/2019) status within the Association.
- Where applicants for Regular Member, Provisional Member, Technical Advisor, or Associate Member (Amended 5/30/2019) status are situated outside the continental United States, the Board of Admissions shall have the authority to appoint an investigator from within the Regular Membership in the locale of the applicant to act as an extension of the Board.
- Member status shall be awarded by a simple majority vote of the Board of Admissions; except that any Board member may offer a rejection for cause, which shall be information which indicates that the applicant does not meet the basic requirements for membership as outlined in Article III of these bylaws. In such a case, no membership status shall be awarded until a thorough inquiry has been conducted.
- Where a delay in membership status occurs due to a specific inquiry or otherwise, a letter notifying the applicant of such delay shall be sent by the Chair, and shall be made a part of the applicant’s file.
Section 4
The Chair of the Board of Admissions shall notify the President of the Association of the decisions of the Board relative to applications for participation in the Association. The President shall make official notification to the applicant of the Board’s decision. The applicant shall not be furnished with a reason for rejection, nor shall any application be returned.
Section 5
All meetings of the Board of Admissions shall be confidential, and all deliberations of the Committee shall be confidential.
Section 6
A maximum of one hundred and eighty (180) days shall be allowed to adequately process applications for membership. An exception to this shall be when the Board of Admissions, by a majority vote, decides to interview and/or examine the applicant. In this case, there shall be no time limit; however, it shall be done as soon as practicable.
Section 7
Applicants who are rejected for membership may ask for reconsideration by the Board of Admissions. Such reconsideration shall be made at the annual Training Seminar following the initial action, and may include a personal appearance by the applicant if requested either by the applicant or the Board of Admissions.
Section 1
Repeal or Amendment of previous Bylaws, Code of Ethics and the AFTE procedures for the Enforcement of the Code of Ethics: These documents shall become effective at the close of the meeting at which they are approved by the Regular Members and the previous constitution, bylaws and/or other documents heretofore adopted or passed by the Board of Directors, or by Regular Members of the Association, as well as previous resolutions, rules, and regulations which are in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. (Amended 6/1/2009)
Section 2
Amendment Procedure:
- Amendments to these documents may be made only at the annual business meeting of the Association. Copies of the proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at least ninety (90) days prior to the annual business meeting.
- Proposed amendments received by the Board of Directors within the provisions of these documents shall be mailed to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual business meeting, either directly or through the official AFTE publication.
- It shall require a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all Regular Members present and voting at the annual business meeting in order to amend, repeal, or otherwise alter these documents. There shall be no proxy voting and/or mail balloting.
- All amendments to these documents will take effect at the close of the meeting at which they are passed.
Section 1
Rules of Order: “Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised” shall determine parliamentary practice and procedure in all cases to which they apply except when inconsistent with these bylaws or the laws of the state of incorporation.
Section 2
Parliamentarian and Sergeant-at-Arms: A Parliamentarian and Sergeant-at-Arms shall be appointed by the President at each meeting of the Association.
Section 3
Contradictory Bylaws: Any of these bylaws which are at variance with the Articles of Incorporation of the Association or the laws of the state of incorporation are hereby repealed.
Section 4
Documentation Tracking:
- The Bylaws, Code of Ethics and the AFTE Procedures for the Code of Ethics documents will be dated by the Secretary so as to track the version in place at any given time.
- When these documents are modified in any way, they shall be dated with the modification date, and the previous version of that document will be preserved as an archival copy by the AFTE Secretary. (Adopted 6/1/2009).