Become a Member

Membership Requirements

Membership in the Association is limited to those persons of integrity with suitable education, training, and experience in the examination of firearms and/or toolmarks.

For purposes of membership, a practicing firearm and/or toolmark examiner is defined as:

  1. An individual who derives a substantial portion of their livelihood from the examination identification, and evaluation of firearms and related materials and/or toolmarks.
  2. An individual whose present livelihood is a direct result of the knowledge and experience gained from the examination, identification, and evaluation of firearms and related materials and/or toolmarks.

Individuals who want to apply to become a member of AFTE should carefully read the Bylaws of the Association.

Individuals wanting to become a regular member of AFTE must apply as a Provisional Member.

Qualifications for each respective class are listed below.

Provisional Member

Practicing firearm and/or toolmark examiners and student/trainees in the profession of firearm and/or toolmark identification may be accepted as Provisional Members, provided that they:

  1. Conform to Association requirements for candidacy and are respected members of the community.
  2. Derive a substantial majority of their income from actively examining, identifying and evaluating firearms and related materials and/or toolmarks.

Provisional Members enjoy all rights and privileges of Regular Membership, except that they may not vote or hold office.


Associate Member

Practicing firearm technicians who are employed to support the Firearm/Toolmark unit of a Forensic Laboratory may be accepted as Associate Members, provided they:

  1. Actively engage in one or a combination of the following activities: examining firearms and related materials, test firing firearms, performing database entries and/or database correlations, serial number restoration, write reports of examinations and are subject to testimony for work performed.

Change in membership status from Associate Member to Provisional Member shall be by submission of a new membership application as provided under the membership class of Provisional Member.

Associate Members enjoy all rights and privileges of Regular Membership, except that they may not vote or hold office.


Regular Member

Any Provisional Member or Technical Advisor in good standing may apply to the Board of Admissions for promotion to the status of Regular Member provided that they:

  1. Have been a Provisional Member or Technical Advisor in good standing for at least three years.
  2. Derive a majority of their income from actively examining, identifying, and evaluating firearms and related materials and/or toolmarks.


Technical Advisor

Any Provisional Member or Technical Advisor in good standing may apply to the Board of Admissions for promotion to the status of Regular Member provided that they:

  1. Have been a Provisional Member or Technical Advisor in good standing for at least three years.
  2. Derive a majority of their income from actively examining, identifying, and evaluating firearms and related materials and/or toolmarks.


Distinguished Member

To reward a member’s superior effort in furthering the work and purposes of the Association, the class of Distinguished Member is established. Any Regular Member of the Association who accumulates ten (10) points by the manner described herein and who has not been censured or disciplined during the period of membership shall be advanced to Distinguished Member. Distinguished Members retain all of the rights and privileges of Regular Members.

Points toward Distinguished Membership are accumulated in the following manner:

  1. Attendance at Annual Meeting (one point)*
  2. Association Officer (2 points)
  3. Committee Member (2 points)*
  4. Presentation of Paper at Annual Meeting (2 points)**
    1. Paper Presentation (2 points)
    2. Poster Presentation (1 point)
    3. Workshop Presentation (2 points)***
  5. Contribution to the AFTE Journal
    1. Full article, as defined and published by the Journal Editorial Committee (2 points)**
    2. Case report or technical report as defined and published by the Journal Editorial Committee (1 point)**

* Maximum of two (2) points toward total of ten (10).
** Points will only be awarded once for each different presentation (paper, poster, or workshop) given at annual meeting and contribution (article, case report, or technical report) to the Journal.
*** Points for a workshop will only be awarded to members who are not compensated in any way by AFTE for presenting the workshop.

A Provisional Member who accumulates the necessary ten (10) points prior to becoming a Regular Member shall automatically become a Distinguished Member upon promotion to Regular Member status.

Mail or email the completed application and supporting documentation to:
Rebecca Smith, Secretary
7320 N. Canal Road
Lansing, MI 48913
Email Rebecca Smith

Emeritus Member

Emeritus Membership may be conferred upon Distinguished Members who:

  1. Are recognized as having served the interests of the Association or scientific discipline of firearms and toolmark examination in an exceptional manner, and
  2. Have served as a member of the Association for a minimum of twenty-five (25) years, or
  3. Have reached the age of sixty-five (65) and who are retired from their usual place of employment and are no longer actively engaged in the field of firearm and/or toolmark examination.

A candidate for this status must be recommended in writing to the Advisory Committee, who shall determine if the individual meets the criteria as set forth above. The recommendation must cite the manner of exceptional service to the Association or discipline. Only Distinguished Members may recommend individuals for Emeritus Membership. The names of individuals qualified to receive Emeritus Membership shall be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors and presented by the Advisory Committee to the membership at the annual business meeting of the Association. A majority of the voting members present at the meeting must vote in favor of Emeritus Membership in order for it to be conferred.

Emeritus Members shall enjoy all rights and benefits of Regular Membership but shall pay no dues.

Honorary Member

Honorary Membership may be conferred upon individuals in recognition of distinguished service to the Association or to the field of firearm and/or toolmark examination.

Individuals may be nominated for Honorary Membership by any Regular Member of the Association. Such nominations must be in writing, be accompanied by the signatures of at least ten (10) other Regular Members acting as seconds, and must fully describe the actions or activities that warrant consideration. The completed documents must be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual business meeting of the Association. The Board of Directors must present, with their recommendation, the submitted nominations to the general membership at the Annual Meeting. A majority of voting members present must vote in favor of Honorary Membership in order for it to be conferred.

Honorary Members may attend all meetings of the Association but shall have no other membership rights, nor shall they pay dues.

Additional Prospective Member Information

  1. It shall be generally understood that only one application fee shall be collected from an individual being considered for membership.
  2. Once established as a “member”, transition from one level of membership to another shall not incur an application fee. This includes, but is not limited to: Provisional to Regular, and Associate to Provisional.
  3. Although it requires a new application, renewal of Associate or Technical Advisor Membership shall not incur an additional application fee provided there is no lapse in membership status.
  4. If an established member allows their membership to lapse, said member will be required to reapply for membership and will be responsible for the application fee.
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