Appendix II: Online Resources


Daubert on the Web
The web’s free resource on Daubert and the law of expert evidence.

Daubert and the Law and Science of Expert Testimony in Business
Information for business litigators on recent developments relating to Daubert.

Daubert Tracker
Online database of all reported Daubert cases with focus on challenged experts and their disciplines; links to core documents including briefs, opinions,

FindLaw for Legal Professionals – Case Law, Federal and State
DAUBERT v. MERRELL DOW PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., 509 US 579 (1993) Petitioners Jason Daubert and Eric Schuller are minor children born with serious birth

Daubert Links
Site dedicated to Latent Print Examination, AFIS – automated fingerprint identification systems, latent print examination, development procedures.

Daubert Standard – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Once certain evidence has been excluded by a Daubert motion because it fails to meet Even though a Daubert motion is not binding to other courts of law.


Evidence and Expert Testimony

Inconsistency in Evidentiary Standards for Medical Testimony: Disorder in the Courts
Jerome P. Kassirer, Joe S. Cecil,
September 18, 2002 (Publication) 6 pages

The Supreme Court, based on three decisions over the past decade, now requires judges to examine the underlying basis of all testimony to ensure that only expert testimony supported by valid methods if inquiry is introduced as evidence in litigation. Under these standards, expert testimony in the …

Judge and Attorney Experiences, Practices, and Concerns Regarding Expert Testimony in Federal Civil Trials
Carol Krafka, Meghan A. Dunn, Molly Treadway Johnson, Joe S. Cecil, Dean Miletich,
2002 (Publication) 24 pages

This is an expanded version of Expert Testimony in Federal Civil Trials: A Preliminary Analysis (2000). In 1998, the Federal Judicial Center surveyed federal judges about their experiences with expert testimony in civil cases. Judges answered specific questions about their most recent …

Neutral Science Panels: Two Examples of Panels of Court-Appointed Experts in the Breast Implants Product Liability Litigation
Laural L. Hooper, Joe S. Cecil, Thomas E. Willging,
2001 (Publication) 104 pages

This report to the Judicial Conference Committee on Court Administration and Case Management describes two different types of independent panels used in the silicone gel breast implants litigation. The use of such panels of appointed experts represents a marked departure from the traditional means …

Expert Testimony in Federal Civil Trials: A Preliminary Analysis
Molly Treadway Johnson, Carol Krafka, Joe S. Cecil,
2000 (Publication) 8 pages

In 1998, the Federal Judicial Center surveyed federal judges about their experiences with expert testimony in civil cases. Judges answered specific questions about their most recent relevant civil trial, as well as questions drawing on their overall experience with expert testimony in civil cases. …

Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, Second Edition
2000 (Publication) 638 pages

A reference to assist judges in managing expert evidence in cases involving issues of science or technology.

  • Preface, by Fern M. Smith
  • Introduction, by Stephen Breyer
  • The Supreme Court’s Trilogy on the Admissibility of Expert Evidence, by Margaret A. Berger
  • Management of Expert Evidence, by …

Use of Expert Testimony, Specialized Decision Makers, and Case-Management Innovations in the National Vaccine Compensation Program
Molly Treadway Johnson, Carol E. Drew, Dean P. Miletich,
1998 (Publication) 60 pages

A report on the Center’s study of the vaccine injury program. The report examines why the program was created, its implementation, the filing and termination rates over its course, and participants’ views of the program. The authors also discuss whether the program structure would be appropriate in …

Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, First Edition
1994 (Publication) 637 pages

A reference to assist judges in managing expert evidence in cases involving issues of science or technology. This first edition of the Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence is out-of-print, but still available for download.

Please note that many of the manual’s sections have been …

Court-Appointed Experts: Defining the Role of Experts Appointed Under Federal Rule of Evidence 706
Joe S. Cecil, Thomas E. Willging,
1993 (Publication) 108 pages

A study of why judges rarely appoint experts under Rule 706. In discussing this issue with judges, the authors learned of techniques and procedures that may aid judges when considering whether to appoint an expert or when managing an expert who has been appointed. These suggestions are collected in …

FJC Directions, No. 4
August 1992 (Publication) 20 pages

A magazine that reported Center research and education activities in a concise format.

In this issue of FJC Directions:

  • New Developments in Court Education: Taking It to the People, by Emily Z. Huebner, page 1
  • Defining a Role for Court-Appointed Experts, by Joe S. Cecil and Thomas E. …

Court-Appointed Experts
Thomas E. Willging,
1986 (Publication) 25 pages

A description of the appointment of expert witnesses under Federal Rule of Evidence 706. The report discusses procedures for appointing an expert and for payment of the costs.

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