Headstamp Guide - Letters - A

A Brief History
Pretoria Metal Pressings
Private Bag X334
Republic of South Africa
PMP Website
From Website:
PMP has been involved in the manufacture of ammunition since 1931. It is a division of Denel (Pty) Ltd, a well-known player on the world defence market.
PMP has established itself as a manufacturer of world class military and commercial ammunition products and components. Its small and medium calibre ammunition ranges conform to the most exacting military standards and specifications, and are manufactured in comprehensive facilities at Pretoria West. The small arms range varies from 5,56 mm to 12,7 mm and the medium calibre range from 20 mm to 35 mm. High quality percussion caps of all types are also produced.
PMP's portfolio also includes the NTW-20 multi-calibre anti-material rifle,renowned for high accuracy and all-climate reliability.
In addition 80 tons of brass are casted daily at PMP's non-ferrous foundry and rolling plant, of which a significant portion is exported as commercial strip and cups for the production of cartridge cases and bullets, and the rest utilised for its own ammunition production.
PMP's range of commercial ammunition for handguns and hunting rifles is renowned for its very high quality, and its PRO-AMM range of hunting ammunition has secured a place in the top echelons of this competitive market.
The company is also a world leader in the production of power cartridges and cutting charges, and its PROBIT rock drill bits have gained market share in the mining industry.
More than 70% of PMP's production is exported to countries all over the world, and the company is thus an important earner of foreign exchange
PMP is the proud holder of a SABS listing for the internationally recognised ISO 9001 quality standard, and it also boasts a NOSCAR rating for safety.
Although State-owned, Denel is registered under the South African Companies Act and operates as a profit-driven company. At the end of 2000, the South African Government announced its intention to sell some shareholding in both its Aerospace and Ordnance Groups to international strategic equity partners.
Denel consists of several predominantly defence-related divisions. It has 10 500 employees and generates about R3,75-billion (approx. US$500-million) in turnover.
PMP, a division in Denel's Ordnance Group, has been involved in the development and production of small and medium calibre ammunition for the past 62 years. Major investments in technology and aquipment have enabled it to successfully enter the international market, supplying complete ammunition products, as well as ammunition components to defence forces and armaments industries in 60 countries around the world.
Today it sells between 20 and 30 million round of commercial ammunition per year to the United States, and is also one of the largest suppliers of hunting ammunition to Europe.

A Brief History
American Ammunition
3545 NW 71st Street
Miami, FL 33147
Phone: 1-888-28AMERC
Fax: 1-888-694-0037
E-Mail: info@a-merc.com
American Ammuntion Website
From Website:
A Brief History
American Ammunition (AA) was formed in 1983 with the goal of producing top quality ammunition at very competitive cost. Through the past 18 years has grown to become a significant force in the small arms ammunition market. AA products can be found throughout the world in commercial, law enforcement, and military applications. Following is brief history of AA, a description of our operations, and our vision of what the future holds.
AA began as an assembler and re-loader of ammunition of several calibers: 9mm, .380auto, .357Mag, .38Spl, .40S&W, .45auto. As AA grew, management realized that the only way to break into the industry was to become a vertically integrated manufacturer. Its founders then invested heavily in research and development, equipment, and technology. Soon AA was manu- facturing the calibers listed above along with special order ammunition for the Department of Defense. Further streamlining of the operation resulted in the current product line, the manu- facture of 9mm, .45auto, .380auto, .32auto, .40S&W, 38Spl., and 30carbine. It now enjoys autonomy in approximately 90% of its raw materials.
AA is a vertically integrated manufacturer of small arms ammunition ("ammo"), predominantly for the commercial ammunition market. AA is one of the few companies who manufactures virtually all of the components used in the assembly of its finished products. AA forms the brass cartridge cases from raw brass billets. AA casts the projectiles (bullet) from lead ingots. AA electroplates with copper the cast projectiles on a dedicated plating line. AA assembles these components, along with premium powder, and new primers into new top quality ammunition. At each stage of the manufacturing process it perform extensive quality inspections to ensure that performance meets or exceeds SAAMI/ANSI standards.
Over the coming months AA will be increasing its production capacity, which will lead to greater presence in the market. AA will be introducing new products to its line of fine small arms ammunition. AA is actively pursuing the government procurement sector and expects to increase its share of this huge market.
Frangible Projectiles-Lead Free, Frangible, Reduced Hazard projectiles from Sinterfire, Inc., the International leader in the filed form the core of our new product line. The 38 SPL, 40 S&W, 45auto, 9mm, 380auto, and .223 REM are our response to demand for close quarters reduced hazard munitions. Frangible projectiles break apart into harmless fragments upon hitting a surface harder than projectile itself. Dangerous ricochets and collateral damage are virtually eliminated, while the lead free composition leaves no toxic residue. This so called “Green” ammo is ideally suited for training, indoor ranges, and any application where collateral damage must be minimized.
American Ammunition’s line of Completely Copper Coated “C3” projectiles are suited for indoor and outdoor ranges, confined quarters, and all practical purposes. The lead core projectile is completely encapsulated in electronic grade copper, leaving no exposed lead to vaporize during firing.
C3 projectiles are ideal for all shooting locations, improved safety for the shooter and our environment.

A Brief History
Asahi-Seiki Manufacturing Co.
Asahimae- cho,Owariasahi,Aichi,488- 8655 Japan
•Precision Engineering Div.
TEL:+81 561- 53- 3118 FAX:+81 561- 54- 2438
•Machinery Div.
TEL:+81 561- 53- 3119 FAX:+81 561- 54- 2439
Asahi-Seiki Manufacturing Co. Website

A Brief History
American Ballistics
P.O. Box 384
Marietta, Georgia 30061 USA
Tel: 770-794-0774
Fax: 770-794-7424
American Ballistics Website
From Website:
American Ballistics of Marietta, Georgia specializes in the manufacture of special purpose small arms ammunition for governmental agencies. Since 1978, American Ballistics has developed a reputation as an applications-based munitions designer/developer with its own ballistics test facility and case manufacturing line.
The primary emphasis and objective over the years has been on producing mission-designated applications ammunition for Military and Law Enforcement elite special ops groups both in the United States and abroad. American Ballistics(ABT) is also a defense contractor for the United States Department of Defense, as well as a supplier of munitions for embassy diplomatic security groups and Foreign Military Sales.
American Ballistics founder and president, Jim Maltenieks, was responsible for designing and developing many types of special ammunition products to be used with military armament silenced submachinegun and sniper rifle systems. In addition, American Ballistics also promotes the utilization of special ops weapons systems for covert activities and counter-insurgency response, and further supports the efforts of covert geo-political objectives by developing special ammunition for mission-oriented operational field teams involved with state-of-the-art "black operations" weaponry.
In the early 80's, American Ballistics collaborated with the world renown "COBRAY/SIONICS COUNTER-TERRORIST TRAINING CENTER" - the first-of-its-kind, studies in operational negation of insurgency and counter-subversion stratagem training facility in the U.S. - to supply ammunition, promote hands-on-combat training methods and strategy, and activate new techniques and philosophies in the fight against the emerging threat and risk of "hit and run" terrorism.
For the 21st century, American Ballistics' philosophy and mission continues to be the creation and delivery of innovative and specialized small arms ammunition to its end users, and to accommodate the unique requirements of advanced weaponry to combat current and future subversive global terrorism.

A Brief History
Arms Corporation of the Philippines
Armscor Ave.
Marikina City 1800
Phone: (632)941-6243/44 941-4252 941-8279
Fax: (632)942-0682
E-mail: armscor@info.com.ph
Arms Corporation of the Philippines Website
Armscor Precision, Inc.
150 N. Smart Way
Pahrump, NV 89060
Phone: 775-537-1444
Fax: 775-537-1446
Armscor Precision Website
From the Armscor website:
In 1905, two Englishmen named Roy Squires and William Bingham put up a photo print shop and merchandising firm in the Philippines. The company established was called Squires, Bingham & Co.
Squires and Bingham eventually expanded their business to general trading; importing and retailing motorcycles and sporting goods - including firearms and ammunition. By the 1930's, Squires Bingham Co. had become popularly associated with sporting guns. It was at this point in time that Arthur D. Hileman, an ex-US Army Hospital Corpsman, purchased the store from its original owners.
In 1941, the store - referred to as the "Sportsmen's Headquarters" - found a new owner in Celso S. Tuason. Unfortunately, just four months after he purchased the store, World Ward II broke out and Japan invaded the Philippines! Naturally, the invaders first order of business, much to dismay of Don Celso, was to confiscate all the firearms in his store. To survive, Squires Bingham Company had to rely on its clothing and haberdashery during those dark years.
After the war, due to foreign exchange controls, Don Celso Tuason decided to venture into manufacturing. He focused on the most popular and profitable item in the store - firearms and ammunition. Like most countries after World War II, it was a time of rebuilding. Thus, in 1952, the President of the Philippines granted the Tuason family permission to manufacture firearms and ammunition locally as it was in line with his governments thrust towards industrialization. This led to the birth of Squires Bingham Manufacturing. Inc.
In the mid-1960's, Don Celson Tuason decided that it was time to turn over the management of the Company to his three sons - Bolo, Butch and Conkoy. In 1980, Squires Bingham Co., Inc. became the holding company of the Celso S. Tuason family and their varied business interests. Don Celso's eldest son, Demetrio "Bolo" Tuason, was chosen to be the Chairman and President of the manufacturing company for firearms and ammunition. Thus, Arms Corporation of the Philippines (Armscor) was born.

A Brief History
Adcom Manufacturing Ltd
Three Sails Centre
Corniche Road
P.O. Box 76243
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Tel: 00 971 2 585 4557 ou 4556
Fax: 00 971 2 585 4536

A Brief History
Markings on box:
ADI Munitions PTY Limited trading as
Australian Munitions
ABN 66 092 605 742
Australian Outback
P.O. Box 840
Benalla, VIC 3671 Australia
For more information, visit http://www.australian-munitions.com.au/

A Brief History
Archon Firearms is a manufacturer of firearms, shooting accessories, and ammuntion.
Cartridge cases for Archon Firearms ammuntion is produced by the Swiss company RUAG Ammotec. The cartridges are loaded with FMJ or JHP bullets. Per their websire, the cartridge cases are coated with a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating, which provides "the hardness of a diamond and the lubricity of graphite."

A Brief History
American Frontier Firearms
Manufacturing Facility:
40725 Brook Trails Way
Aguanga, CA 92536
Sales Office:
903 N. Victory Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91502

A Brief History
Headstamp seen on ammunition made by Aguila for the Guardina Nacional de Mexico (Mexican National Guard).

A Brief History
Headstamp seen on ammunition made by Aguila for the Secretaria de la Defensa Nacional de Mexico (Mexican Secretary of National Defense).

A Brief History
Aguila Ammunition
KM6 Carretera A Tepoztlan, Apdo Postal 542
Cuernavaca, MRLS Mexico 62180
Phone: 011-52-777-382-14-02
Fax: 011-52-777-382-14-02
11614 Rainbow Ridge
Helotes, Texas 78023
Phone: (210) 695-4602
FAX: (210) 695-4603
Aguila Ammunition Website
From Website:
A Brief History
With renowned quality in the national and international markets since 1961. TECNOS manufactures and markets sport shotgun shells, .22 rimfire and centerfire ammunition for the demanding domestic and international markets, including the United States. This worldwide presence is due to our widely qualified personnel and the most technologically advanced equipment, plus a strict quality control of our products. The selection and approval of our raw materials and the various tests of velocity, pressure, accuracy and functionality, permit the production of a totally dependable product. All this is carried out in state of the art chemistry and ballistic laboratories.
Aguila cartridges are exported to various countries, where they have great acceptance and demand due to their excellent international standards of manufacturing such as SAAMI and CIP.
We currently operate three modern and efficient production lines for .22 rimfire cartridges (including blanks and industrial), shotshells, 12 ga., 16 ga., 20 ga., 410 and industrial 8 ga., and centerfire ammunition in calibers such as the new IQ line, 9mm Luger, .380 ACP, .38 Spl., and many others.

A Brief History
From AFTE Friend Fernando K.
Artillerie - Inrichtingen NV, Holland, found on
7.62 x 51 NATO, the C at nine o clock is the lot code.
Current company:
Eurometaal N.V.
Oude Kerkerlaan 50 A
1185 AD Amstelveen
Phone : +31 20 3457313

A Brief History
From AFTE friend Fernando K.
Munitionsfabriken, Prague, Vlasim factory, on a 9 x 19 Parabellum cartridge

A Brief History
Anderson Munitions, Inc.
PO Box 2050
Cardova, TN 38088-2050
(ca. 1996-1998: PO Box 17383, Memphis, TN)

A Brief History
AMMO, Inc. was founded in 2016 as a producer of ammunition and ammunition components. They acquired GunBroker.com in April 2021. AMMO, Inc. sells Streak Visual Ammunition, which features a luminescent dot on the rear of the bullet, stelTH Subsonic Ammunition. and an AMMO Incorporated Signature product line as well. They feature JMC, Jagemann Munition Components on their website, which included cartridge cases with the JAG headstamp.
Contact Information:
7681 East Gray Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
855-601-8199 (Customer Support)
Email: info@ammo-inc.com

A Brief History
AmmoLoad is the ammunition loading equipment side of the business, under a parent company of Freedom Munitions. AmmoLoad manufactures both cartridge cases and bullets for Freedom Munitions ammunition entities, which include LAX Ammo and X-Treme Bullets. They are all located at the same address in Lewiston, Idaho.
Kash CA, Inc. purchased the umbrella of companies related to Freedom Munitions and Howell Machine and Technology in 2019 and is still the owner, currently producing headstamps with Freedom Munitions, "X-Treme", "LAX", and "IMT".

A Brief History
Am-Tech International (AMTECH) / ATI
1821 Sherman Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-2199

A Brief History
Arms Corporation of the Philippines
Armscor Ave.
Marikina City 1800
Phone: (632)941-6243/44 941-4252 941-8279
Fax: (632)942-0682
E-mail: armscor@info.com.ph
Arms Corporation of the Philippines Website
Armscor Precision, Inc.
150 N. Smart Way
Pahrump, NV 89060
Phone: 775-537-1444
Fax: 775-537-1446
Armscor Precision Website
From the Armscor website:
In 1905, two Englishmen named Roy Squires and William Bingham put up a photo print shop and merchandising firm in the Philippines. The company established was called Squires, Bingham & Co.
Squires and Bingham eventually expanded their business to general trading; importing and retailing motorcycles and sporting goods - including firearms and ammunition. By the 1930's, Squires Bingham Co. had become popularly associated with sporting guns. It was at this point in time that Arthur D. Hileman, an ex-US Army Hospital Corpsman, purchased the store from its original owners.
In 1941, the store - referred to as the "Sportsmen's Headquarters" - found a new owner in Celso S. Tuason. Unfortunately, just four months after he purchased the store, World Ward II broke out and Japan invaded the Philippines! Naturally, the invaders first order of business, much to dismay of Don Celso, was to confiscate all the firearms in his store. To survive, Squires Bingham Company had to rely on its clothing and haberdashery during those dark years.
After the war, due to foreign exchange controls, Don Celso Tuason decided to venture into manufacturing. He focused on the most popular and profitable item in the store - firearms and ammunition. Like most countries after World War II, it was a time of rebuilding. Thus, in 1952, the President of the Philippines granted the Tuason family permission to manufacture firearms and ammunition locally as it was in line with his governments thrust towards industrialization. This led to the birth of Squires Bingham Manufacturing. Inc.
In the mid-1960's, Don Celson Tuason decided that it was time to turn over the management of the Company to his three sons - Bolo, Butch and Conkoy. In 1980, Squires Bingham Co., Inc. became the holding company of the Celso S. Tuason family and their varied business interests. Don Celso's eldest son, Demetrio "Bolo" Tuason, was chosen to be the Chairman and President of the manufacturing company for firearms and ammunition. Thus, Arms Corporation of the Philippines (Armscor) was born.

A Brief History
Arms Corporation of the Philippines
Armscor Ave.
Marikina City 1800
Phone: (632)941-6243/44 941-4252 941-8279
Fax: (632)942-0682
E-mail: armscor@info.com.ph
Arms Corporation of the Philippines Website
Armscor Precision, Inc.
150 N. Smart Way
Pahrump, NV 89060
Phone: 775-537-1444
Fax: 775-537-1446
Armscor Precision Website
From the Armscor website:
In 1905, two Englishmen named Roy Squires and William Bingham put up a photo print shop and merchandising firm in the Philippines. The company established was called Squires, Bingham & Co.
Squires and Bingham eventually expanded their business to general trading; importing and retailing motorcycles and sporting goods - including firearms and ammunition. By the 1930's, Squires Bingham Co. had become popularly associated with sporting guns. It was at this point in time that Arthur D. Hileman, an ex-US Army Hospital Corpsman, purchased the store from its original owners.
In 1941, the store - referred to as the "Sportsmen's Headquarters" - found a new owner in Celso S. Tuason. Unfortunately, just four months after he purchased the store, World Ward II broke out and Japan invaded the Philippines! Naturally, the invaders first order of business, much to dismay of Don Celso, was to confiscate all the firearms in his store. To survive, Squires Bingham Company had to rely on its clothing and haberdashery during those dark years.
After the war, due to foreign exchange controls, Don Celso Tuason decided to venture into manufacturing. He focused on the most popular and profitable item in the store - firearms and ammunition. Like most countries after World War II, it was a time of rebuilding. Thus, in 1952, the President of the Philippines granted the Tuason family permission to manufacture firearms and ammunition locally as it was in line with his governments thrust towards industrialization. This led to the birth of Squires Bingham Manufacturing. Inc.
In the mid-1960's, Don Celson Tuason decided that it was time to turn over the management of the Company to his three sons - Bolo, Butch and Conkoy. In 1980, Squires Bingham Co., Inc. became the holding company of the Celso S. Tuason family and their varied business interests. Don Celso's eldest son, Demetrio "Bolo" Tuason, was chosen to be the Chairman and President of the manufacturing company for firearms and ammunition. Thus, Arms Corporation of the Philippines (Armscor) was born.

A Brief History
Philippino company
Wikipedia entry:
Armscor (Philippines)
Company websites:

A Brief History
Philippino company
Wikipedia entry:
Armscor (Philippines)
Company websites:

A Brief History
This headstamp can be found on ammunition made by Atlanta Arms out of Covington, Georgia. Their products include handgun and rifle ammunition, some with their headstamp, and some without.
Contact information:
9126 Industrial Blvd
Covington, GA 30014

A Brief History
From AFTE friend Fernando K.
Polte, Werk Grüneberg, on a 7.92x57 cartridge,
- means one flash hole berdan priming, St+ steel case of improved design, lot 17 of 1944, blue primer annulus S.m.E, iron core.

A Brief History
Unverified manufacturer, but internet sources state that these headstamps were custom to a mail order ammuntion company out of California that was forced to close around 2020. The headstamp is said to be on Starline cartridge cases, and has been seen in a box of Fort Scott Munitions Nickel Plated Tumble Upon Impact cartridges. Seen on 9mm Luger, 40 S&W, and 45 Auto caliber cartridges.