Headstamp Guide - Letters - D

A Brief History
Manufactured in South Africa by Denel (Pty) Ltd.
AFTE Forum thread 1

A Brief History
12.7x99mm (50 BMG)caliber ball from Pretoria Metal Pressings. 690 grain FMJ-BT, copper jacket, mild steel core projectile with smooth crimp cvannelure, brass case headstamped "D 02 12.7". Brass, percussion, boxer primer, purple primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp, 234.7 grains of ball powder. Two, 10-round, tan cardboard boxes to an olive drab battle pack. White labels with black printing "10 RD 12.7x99mm Ball 046 D 02" on both. D indicated "Denel" the parent company of PMP, 046 is the lot # and 02 is the production date of 2002. Imported for the US commercial market by Wideners of TN, May of 2008.
Pretoria Metal Pressings
Private Bag X334
Republic of South Africa
PMP Website
From Website:
PMP has been involved in the manufacture of ammunition since 1931. It is a division of Denel (Pty) Ltd, a well-known player on the world defence market.
PMP has established itself as a manufacturer of world class military and commercial ammunition products and components. Its small and medium calibre ammunition ranges conform to the most exacting military standards and specifications, and are manufactured in comprehensive facilities at Pretoria West. The small arms range varies from 5,56 mm to 12,7 mm and the medium calibre range from 20 mm to 35 mm. High quality percussion caps of all types are also produced.
PMP's portfolio also includes the NTW-20 multi-calibre anti-material rifle,renowned for high accuracy and all-climate reliability.
In addition 80 tons of brass are casted daily at PMP's non-ferrous foundry and rolling plant, of which a significant portion is exported as commercial strip and cups for the production of cartridge cases and bullets, and the rest utilised for its own ammunition production.
PMP's range of commercial ammunition for handguns and hunting rifles is renowned for its very high quality, and its PRO-AMM range of hunting ammunition has secured a place in the top echelons of this competitive market.
The company is also a world leader in the production of power cartridges and cutting charges, and its PROBIT rock drill bits have gained market share in the mining industry.
More than 70% of PMP's production is exported to countries all over the world, and the company is thus an important earner of foreign exchange
PMP is the proud holder of a SABS listing for the internationally recognised ISO 9001 quality standard, and it also boasts a NOSCAR rating for safety.
Although State-owned, Denel is registered under the South African Companies Act and operates as a profit-driven company. At the end of 2000, the South African Government announced its intention to sell some shareholding in both its Aerospace and Ordnance Groups to international strategic equity partners.
Denel consists of several predominantly defence-related divisions. It has 10 500 employees and generates about R3,75-billion (approx. US$500-million) in turnover.
PMP, a division in Denel's Ordnance Group, has been involved in the development and production of small and medium calibre ammunition for the past 62 years. Major investments in technology and aquipment have enabled it to successfully enter the international market, supplying complete ammunition products, as well as ammunition components to defence forces and armaments industries in 60 countries around the world.
Today it sells between 20 and 30 million round of commercial ammunition per year to the United States, and is also one of the largest suppliers of hunting ammunition to Europe.

A Brief History
Essay from "Industrial Canada" 1967
The corporate history of Canadian Industries Limited began in 1862. In that year, the Hamilton Powder Company was incorporated and acquired the Canada Powder Company (started in 1852). Their product was the black blasting powder so essential to Canada's pioneers.
In 1878 the company was purchased by Dr. Thomas C. Brainerd, a U.S. businessman well-known in the powder-making industry. To meet the need for tremendous quantities of explosives (especially nitro-glycerine dynamite) required for construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, a dynamite plant was built at McMasterville, Que. on the general site of the present plant. Other black powder plants were acquired in Quebec and the Maritimes and, in 1890, the Hamilton Powder Company established the first explosives plant in the far west near Nanaimo, B.C.
Another C-I-L ancestor, the Dominion Cartridge Company, was founded at Brownsburg, Que. in 1886 by Captain A. L. ("Gat") Howard, who introduced the Gatling gun into Canada and operated a battery of two of the new weapons during the Riel Rebellion. Howard won the support of several influential Canadians, including Dr. T. C. Brainerd of Hamilton Powder, and when the Dominion Cartridge Company was formed Dr. Brainerd became its first president, with "Gat" Howard as plant manager.
In 1910 five explosives companies, a cartridge plant and a plant making acids and fertilizers merged to form Canadian Explosives Limited. Hamilton Powder Company and the Dominion Cartridge Company were among them; the others were Acadia Powder Company, Waverley, N.S., Ontario Powder Company, Tweed, Ont., Standard Explosives Company, Vaudreuil, Que., Western Explosives Company, near Vancouver and the Victoria Chemical Company, Victoria, B.C.
Throughout the 20's, Canadian Explosives Limited diversified into paint and varnish, coated fabrics and plastics. In 1927 the company's name was changed to Canadian Industries Limited.
At the outbreak of World War II C-I-L put its technological experience at the service of the Canadian government. A wholly-owned subsidiary, Defence Industries Limited, was formed to handle the construction, operation and management of Crown-owned munitions plants. Defence Industries Limited designed, built and operated Crown-owned plants worth more than $100 million, and at one time employed 33,000 men and women.
A great post-war building program geared C-I-L to meet peacetime needs for explosives, paints, agricultural and industrial chemicals, plastics, sporting ammunition and man-made textile fabrics.
In 1954 C-I-L was divided into two separate companies in accordance with the ruling of a U.S. court which had ordered E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company to end its joint interests with Imperial Chemicals Limited.
Today the company is the largest producer of chemicals and related products in Canada. With head office in Montreal, 36 plants across Canada and sales offices and warehouses in most of the major centres, C-I-L handles hundreds of products manufactured in its own plants and those of its associated companies.
The company also has manufacturing interests in the West Indies, Liberia and Mexico.

A Brief History
Dynamit Nobel AG of Germany, from a 7.62 NATO caliber, blue plastic, short range training round, brass case head, nickel primer, green primer sealant, ring crimp. Specifically, illustrated item is for the British L1A1 rifle and designated L14A1 for UK MoD service. From 50 round, tan cardboard box, with white label and black ink markings "50 Round, 7.62mm Training, Short Range, L14A1 For use in rifle 7.62mm L1A1 Lot No. 01 DAG-04-86 TI 1305-12-148-7829"
Dynamit Nobel A.-G.
Kronacher Strasse 63
Werk Stadeln
Furth-Stadeln, Germany

A Brief History
Marketed by Dakota Munitions, started around 2016 and now a defunct company with no working website nor updated social media pages. Dakota Micro Inc. now listed as existing at the same location, with the same CEO.

A Brief History
Essay from "Industrial Canada" 1967
The corporate history of Canadian Industries Limited began in 1862. In that year, the Hamilton Powder Company was incorporated and acquired the Canada Powder Company (started in 1852). Their product was the black blasting powder so essential to Canada's pioneers.
In 1878 the company was purchased by Dr. Thomas C. Brainerd, a U.S. businessman well-known in the powder-making industry. To meet the need for tremendous quantities of explosives (especially nitro-glycerine dynamite) required for construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, a dynamite plant was built at McMasterville, Que. on the general site of the present plant. Other black powder plants were acquired in Quebec and the Maritimes and, in 1890, the Hamilton Powder Company established the first explosives plant in the far west near Nanaimo, B.C.
Another C-I-L ancestor, the Dominion Cartridge Company, was founded at Brownsburg, Que. in 1886 by Captain A. L. ("Gat") Howard, who introduced the Gatling gun into Canada and operated a battery of two of the new weapons during the Riel Rebellion. Howard won the support of several influential Canadians, including Dr. T. C. Brainerd of Hamilton Powder, and when the Dominion Cartridge Company was formed Dr. Brainerd became its first president, with "Gat" Howard as plant manager.
In 1910 five explosives companies, a cartridge plant and a plant making acids and fertilizers merged to form Canadian Explosives Limited. Hamilton Powder Company and the Dominion Cartridge Company were among them; the others were Acadia Powder Company, Waverley, N.S., Ontario Powder Company, Tweed, Ont., Standard Explosives Company, Vaudreuil, Que., Western Explosives Company, near Vancouver and the Victoria Chemical Company, Victoria, B.C.
Throughout the 20's, Canadian Explosives Limited diversified into paint and varnish, coated fabrics and plastics. In 1927 the company's name was changed to Canadian Industries Limited.
At the outbreak of World War II C-I-L put its technological experience at the service of the Canadian government. A wholly-owned subsidiary, Defence Industries Limited, was formed to handle the construction, operation and management of Crown-owned munitions plants. Defence Industries Limited designed, built and operated Crown-owned plants worth more than $100 million, and at one time employed 33,000 men and women.
A great post-war building program geared C-I-L to meet peacetime needs for explosives, paints, agricultural and industrial chemicals, plastics, sporting ammunition and man-made textile fabrics.
In 1954 C-I-L was divided into two separate companies in accordance with the ruling of a U.S. court which had ordered E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company to end its joint interests with Imperial Chemicals Limited.
Today the company is the largest producer of chemicals and related products in Canada. With head office in Montreal, 36 plants across Canada and sales offices and warehouses in most of the major centres, C-I-L handles hundreds of products manufactured in its own plants and those of its associated companies.
The company also has manufacturing interests in the West Indies, Liberia and Mexico.

A Brief History
The owner of Defiant Munitions previously worked for CorBon, then branched off and started this ammunition company, which sells a variety of handgun and rifle calibers. The Total Copper X-Panding (TCX) bullet is a main feature of their cartridges. Initial cartridge production featured JAG and TROY headstamps, but have since switched to the DM logo with the words DEFIANT 9mm +P LUGER according to the owner.
Contact information:
3571 Hansen Ave
Sturgis SD, 57785

A Brief History
Delta Frangible Ammunition
P.O. Box 2350
Stafford, VA 22555-2350
Telephone: (540) 720-5778
Telephone: (800) 339-1933
Fax: (540) 720-5667
Delta Frangible Ammunition Website
From Website:
Delta Frangible Ammunition (DFA) develops and provides proven lead free conventional small arms ammunition that ballistically matches the lead ball and lead jacketed ammunition used in firearms training.
The increasing demand for environmentally cleaner, safer, healthier and lead free small arms ammunition brought DFA as a company, into the new and challenging development field of non-toxic small arms ammunition. With two generations of lead free ammunition accepted worldwide, DFA has become the technology leader in reduced hazard ammunition.
DFA introduced its first generation of lead free ammunition, the frangible bullet, in 1992. The injection molded Frangible bullet is made of tungsten and copper powder in a nylon polymer matrix. These composite metal loaded nylon bullets are designed to shatter into small pieces upon impact with hard surfaces. This fragmenting of the bullet eliminates the training hazards normally associated with ricochet and back splatter, especially in close quarter shooting environments. Winchester now markets the DFA Frangible bullet under their Ranger® line of Law Enforcement ammunition. Please contact us for more information.
DFA began development of our second generation of lead free ammunition, the copper bullet, in 1995, as a compliment to the DFA Frangible bullet. With increasing demands from customers for a non-toxic bullet with heavier bullet weights and a more affordable price, DFA developed DFA Copper as a full weight bullet with properties closely resembling the frangible bullet. DFA Copper produces a lead free bullet in weights comparable to standard ammunition. As an example, the 115 grain 9 mm DFA Copper bullet matches in both physical and operational characteristics the standard 115 grain 9 mm operational ammunition you currently carry. Designed to break apart upon impact with hard surfaces, DFA Copper, like the DFA Frangible, significantly reduces the ricochet and back splatter characteristics normally associated with lead ball ammunition.
DFA Copper is made from copper base materials and contains no lead. A patented proprietary process involving material composition and manufacturing technology is used to provide the projectile with the required dimensional weight controls. The finished product undergoes rigorous testing on weights, dimensions, and firing characteristics. DFA's lead free copper ammunition is a competitively priced, full weight lead free replacement for harmful lead ball and lead ball jacketed ammunition.
Not only is DFA Copper totally lead free in bullet and primer, but our rigorous test and evaluation program has proven it to be ballistically excellent in all respects, particularly for accuracy and weapon functioning consistency. DFA Copper has worked perfectly in all weapons tested and is an excellent full weight, clean and healthy training ammunition.

A Brief History
Essay from "Industrial Canada" 1967
The corporate history of Canadian Industries Limited began in 1862. In that year, the Hamilton Powder Company was incorporated and acquired the Canada Powder Company (started in 1852). Their product was the black blasting powder so essential to Canada's pioneers.
In 1878 the company was purchased by Dr. Thomas C. Brainerd, a U.S. businessman well-known in the powder-making industry. To meet the need for tremendous quantities of explosives (especially nitro-glycerine dynamite) required for construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, a dynamite plant was built at McMasterville, Que. on the general site of the present plant. Other black powder plants were acquired in Quebec and the Maritimes and, in 1890, the Hamilton Powder Company established the first explosives plant in the far west near Nanaimo, B.C.
Another C-I-L ancestor, the Dominion Cartridge Company, was founded at Brownsburg, Que. in 1886 by Captain A. L. ("Gat") Howard, who introduced the Gatling gun into Canada and operated a battery of two of the new weapons during the Riel Rebellion. Howard won the support of several influential Canadians, including Dr. T. C. Brainerd of Hamilton Powder, and when the Dominion Cartridge Company was formed Dr. Brainerd became its first president, with "Gat" Howard as plant manager.
In 1910 five explosives companies, a cartridge plant and a plant making acids and fertilizers merged to form Canadian Explosives Limited. Hamilton Powder Company and the Dominion Cartridge Company were among them; the others were Acadia Powder Company, Waverley, N.S., Ontario Powder Company, Tweed, Ont., Standard Explosives Company, Vaudreuil, Que., Western Explosives Company, near Vancouver and the Victoria Chemical Company, Victoria, B.C.
Throughout the 20's, Canadian Explosives Limited diversified into paint and varnish, coated fabrics and plastics. In 1927 the company's name was changed to Canadian Industries Limited.
At the outbreak of World War II C-I-L put its technological experience at the service of the Canadian government. A wholly-owned subsidiary, Defence Industries Limited, was formed to handle the construction, operation and management of Crown-owned munitions plants. Defence Industries Limited designed, built and operated Crown-owned plants worth more than $100 million, and at one time employed 33,000 men and women.
A great post-war building program geared C-I-L to meet peacetime needs for explosives, paints, agricultural and industrial chemicals, plastics, sporting ammunition and man-made textile fabrics.
In 1954 C-I-L was divided into two separate companies in accordance with the ruling of a U.S. court which had ordered E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company to end its joint interests with Imperial Chemicals Limited.
Today the company is the largest producer of chemicals and related products in Canada. With head office in Montreal, 36 plants across Canada and sales offices and warehouses in most of the major centres, C-I-L handles hundreds of products manufactured in its own plants and those of its associated companies.
The company also has manufacturing interests in the West Indies, Liberia and Mexico.

A Brief History
Pretoria Metal Pressings
Private Bag X334
Republic of South Africa
PMP Website
From Website:
PMP has been involved in the manufacture of ammunition since 1931. It is a division of Denel (Pty) Ltd, a well-known player on the world defence market.
PMP has established itself as a manufacturer of world class military and commercial ammunition products and components. Its small and medium calibre ammunition ranges conform to the most exacting military standards and specifications, and are manufactured in comprehensive facilities at Pretoria West. The small arms range varies from 5,56 mm to 12,7 mm and the medium calibre range from 20 mm to 35 mm. High quality percussion caps of all types are also produced.
PMP's portfolio also includes the NTW-20 multi-calibre anti-material rifle,renowned for high accuracy and all-climate reliability.
In addition 80 tons of brass are casted daily at PMP's non-ferrous foundry and rolling plant, of which a significant portion is exported as commercial strip and cups for the production of cartridge cases and bullets, and the rest utilised for its own ammunition production.
PMP's range of commercial ammunition for handguns and hunting rifles is renowned for its very high quality, and its PRO-AMM range of hunting ammunition has secured a place in the top echelons of this competitive market.
The company is also a world leader in the production of power cartridges and cutting charges, and its PROBIT rock drill bits have gained market share in the mining industry.
More than 70% of PMP's production is exported to countries all over the world, and the company is thus an important earner of foreign exchange
PMP is the proud holder of a SABS listing for the internationally recognised ISO 9001 quality standard, and it also boasts a NOSCAR rating for safety.
Although State-owned, Denel is registered under the South African Companies Act and operates as a profit-driven company. At the end of 2000, the South African Government announced its intention to sell some shareholding in both its Aerospace and Ordnance Groups to international strategic equity partners.
Denel consists of several predominantly defence-related divisions. It has 10 500 employees and generates about R3,75-billion (approx. US$500-million) in turnover.
PMP, a division in Denel's Ordnance Group, has been involved in the development and production of small and medium calibre ammunition for the past 62 years. Major investments in technology and aquipment have enabled it to successfully enter the international market, supplying complete ammunition products, as well as ammunition components to defence forces and armaments industries in 60 countries around the world.
Today it sells between 20 and 30 million round of commercial ammunition per year to the United States, and is also one of the largest suppliers of hunting ammunition to Europe.

A Brief History
Dogtown Ammunition is sold in the "Dogtown Shop" on MidwayUSA's website, featuring a limited selection of bullets, cartridge cases, and cartridges. The ammo is made in partnership with Nosler, and the boxes themselves state that it is manufactured by Nosler.

A Brief History
Essay from "Industrial Canada" 1967
The corporate history of Canadian Industries Limited began in 1862. In that year, the Hamilton Powder Company was incorporated and acquired the Canada Powder Company (started in 1852). Their product was the black blasting powder so essential to Canada's pioneers.
In 1878 the company was purchased by Dr. Thomas C. Brainerd, a U.S. businessman well-known in the powder-making industry. To meet the need for tremendous quantities of explosives (especially nitro-glycerine dynamite) required for construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway, a dynamite plant was built at McMasterville, Que. on the general site of the present plant. Other black powder plants were acquired in Quebec and the Maritimes and, in 1890, the Hamilton Powder Company established the first explosives plant in the far west near Nanaimo, B.C.
Another C-I-L ancestor, the Dominion Cartridge Company, was founded at Brownsburg, Que. in 1886 by Captain A. L. ("Gat") Howard, who introduced the Gatling gun into Canada and operated a battery of two of the new weapons during the Riel Rebellion. Howard won the support of several influential Canadians, including Dr. T. C. Brainerd of Hamilton Powder, and when the Dominion Cartridge Company was formed Dr. Brainerd became its first president, with "Gat" Howard as plant manager.
In 1910 five explosives companies, a cartridge plant and a plant making acids and fertilizers merged to form Canadian Explosives Limited. Hamilton Powder Company and the Dominion Cartridge Company were among them; the others were Acadia Powder Company, Waverley, N.S., Ontario Powder Company, Tweed, Ont., Standard Explosives Company, Vaudreuil, Que., Western Explosives Company, near Vancouver and the Victoria Chemical Company, Victoria, B.C.
Throughout the 20's, Canadian Explosives Limited diversified into paint and varnish, coated fabrics and plastics. In 1927 the company's name was changed to Canadian Industries Limited.
At the outbreak of World War II C-I-L put its technological experience at the service of the Canadian government. A wholly-owned subsidiary, Defence Industries Limited, was formed to handle the construction, operation and management of Crown-owned munitions plants. Defence Industries Limited designed, built and operated Crown-owned plants worth more than $100 million, and at one time employed 33,000 men and women.
A great post-war building program geared C-I-L to meet peacetime needs for explosives, paints, agricultural and industrial chemicals, plastics, sporting ammunition and man-made textile fabrics.
In 1954 C-I-L was divided into two separate companies in accordance with the ruling of a U.S. court which had ordered E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company to end its joint interests with Imperial Chemicals Limited.
Today the company is the largest producer of chemicals and related products in Canada. With head office in Montreal, 36 plants across Canada and sales offices and warehouses in most of the major centres, C-I-L handles hundreds of products manufactured in its own plants and those of its associated companies.
The company also has manufacturing interests in the West Indies, Liberia and Mexico.

A Brief History
Producer of frangible ammunition as well as other types.
See also: AFTE Journal Vol. 40, No. 1, Winter 2008. (journal article mentioned on DRT's website)

A Brief History
From website:
Doubletap Ammunition has rapidly gained a reputation for powerful, reliable and accurate ammunition. We continue to be at the cutting edge of innovation from defensive ammunition to hunting ammunition.
For more information: https://doubletapammo.com/
Call:(435) 383-3208
E-mail: office@doubletapammo.com
450 N 200 W
Cedar City, UT 84721