Headstamp Guide - Letters - T

A Brief History
The characters are the Hebrew letters "T" and "Z" signifying "Taaseia Tzvaet" and meaning "Military Industry". This is the giovernment branch under which the arsenal at Tel Aviv operates. The figures are believed to be the third month of 1974.

A Brief History
5.56/.223 caliber, 55 gr FMJ, lead core, GM jacketed bullet, brass case, headstamp T .223 from RUAG Swiss Munition. Reportedly non-corrosive, percussion nickel primer, black primer sealant, 3-stab primer crimp. Imported for the commercial US market May 2007. From white cardboard, 50-round boxes, 5-grey plastic, 10-round stripper clips per box, 4 boxes in a white plastic sealed "battle pack." Various lot numbers and dates.

A Brief History
From the T & M website:
" Truelove & Maclean Inc. has been internationally recognized as a leader in deep drawing and stamping complex components for over 70 years. "
" For several years T&M has been making significant strides in the production of premium ammunition components. We have taken our 70+ year history of manufacturing critical and life saving components and applied them to this rapidly growing industry. We currently are offering both 9x19mm and 380 AUTO pistol brass, and are in production of various caliber copper jackets. Also, we are planning on expanding our product range based on the needs of our customers. We understand there is a need for consistent & reliable supply of these components and know we can provide this opportunity to our all of our customers. "

A Brief History
TZ = Ta'asia Zvait (Military Industry)
Israel Military Industries (IMI)
64 Bialik Boulevard
Ramat Hasharon, Israel 47100

A Brief History
See also http://www.luckygunner.com/brands/tula-ammo#review for additional company information.
From Website:
The history of the Tula Cartridge Works dates back to the year of 1880, when on the 17th of May the emperor Alexander II approved the regulations of Military Council on establishment of the ammunition plant with attraction of private сapital. The right to establish the plant was granted to the collegiate assessor Theodor George von Gyllenschmidt (1828 - 1903).
The Gyllenschmidt's plant was designed to produce small-caliber 4,2 - line (10,67 mm) cartridges for Berdan N2 infantry rifle. Later on the plant also produced cartridges for 1891-year model 3-line rifle, revolvers and shotguns.
In 1880 the construction of the plant was over and a contract was concluded with the State Ordnance Bureau (GAU) for the delivery of 210 million rounds during 7 years.
In 1882 the plant began to operate at full power - 30 million rounds a year.
In 1886 the brass-rolling mill and the copper foundry were built which fully supplied the production of ammunition.
During the years of World War I the Tula Cartridge Works supplied the Russian Army with approximately 25% of all ammunition manufactured by domestic plants.
In 1918 the ammunition plant in Tula was nationalized.
The first five-year plan provided for fundamental reconstruction of ammunition production with a view to develop productive capacity on the basis of raising the technical level and providing the increase in labour productivity.
Owing to unfitness of the old factory buildings for reconstruction, provision was made for construction of new buildings where the base of ammunition production was transferred upon realization of the project in 1929-1931.
Used for manufacture of cartridge cases up to the late 1930s was brass, for manufacture of bullet jackets - German silver. Brass and German silver were scarce raw materials.
In 1928 for the purpose of saving strategic non-ferrous metals the government set a task to organize and master the production of bimetal on the base of ammunition plant.
The construction of the shop for production of bimetal in Tula began in 1929.
In 1930 the equipment began to arrive at the plant from Germany.
In 1932 the rolling-mill shop began to produce bimetal for the first time in Russia.
In 1933 mastered for the first time in ammunition production was the manufаcture of cemented-carbide tools.
Thus, in Tula during the first five-year periods put into operation was practically the new ammunition plant to provide the growth of ammunition output at a considerably higher technical and organizational level.
On the 14th of September by decision of the government the ammunition production was granted the status of economically independent enterprise. And in 1941 it was named after S.M.Kirov.
In the pre-war period the Kirov Works produced 7,62 mm cartridges for machine-gun "SHKAS", 7,62 mm rifle cartridges, 7,62 mm pistol cartridges "TT" and cartridges for revolver "Nagant".
The increase in output was provided by the advancement of the technology of ammunition and tool-making production , renewal of equipment and, mainly, by automation and mechanization of production processes.
From the beginning of the Great Patriotic War to October, 1941 the plant provided uninterrupted supply of the front with ball cartridges. In October, 1941 the plant was evacuated to the town of Yuryuzan, the Cheliabinsk region, the rolling-mill base was transferred to the town of Nytva, the Perm region.
In connection with the successful offensive taken by the Read Army in the environs of Moscow and Tula in November - December, 1941 the plant was set а task of restoring the production of ammunition for our army.
With a view to restore the ammunition production, dismantled at the enterprises of of local industry and delivered to the plant were about 100 units of metal-cutting and pressing equipment.
Shipped from related enterprises was the minimum quantity of equipment for production of 7,62 mm cartridges, tools, materials, and in April, 1942 the plant was again officially registrated as individual enterprise. In 1942 produced by the plant were over 100 000 rounds, by the end of 1943 - over 388 million rounds.
In 1949 our plant was one of the first in industry to get down to work on development of processes for production of ammunition on automatic rotor lines (ARL).
In 1959-1965 created was an integrated and automated production of steel cartridge-cases.
In 1966-1970 the work was continued on further introduction of rotor lines into ammunition production, development of the plant's own ARL designs and introduction of rotor lines into other kinds of production. Much attention was also given to creation of integrated, highly mechanized and automated shops and bays on the base of ARL.
In 1971 for introduction of new techniques the plant was decorated with the Order of the Red Banner of Labour.
In 1973 the plant was the first in industry to master the production of 5,54 mm cart-ridges for AK-74 submachine gun and became the base one in the industry on development of production processes for this ammunition.
In 1974 the reconstruction of the rolling-mill production was over and the first lot of bimetal was produced by method of cold cladding.
The work on theoretical substantiation, development and introduction of the original highly efficient process of production of bimetal by method of cold cladding was awarded the USSR State Prize.
The Tula Cartridge Works exerted a considerable influence upon the development of the ammunition industry of Russia - automation and mechanization of production processes, mastering mass production of precision instruments and measuring tools, mastering methods for manufacture of tools from hard alloys, mastering production of bimetal N1, N3, mastering the process of production of bimetal by method of cold cladding, mastering the production of 5,45 mm cartridge for AK-74 submachine gun.
In 1991-1997 the J-SC "TCW" mastered the new line - production of ammunition for sporting and hunting arms (PSO). At present the ammunition production turns out sporting and hunting ammunition in calibers 5,45 x 18; 5,45x39; 7,62x39; 5,56x45 "Remington"; 5.56x39 "Bars"; 9x17 "Kurz"; 9x18 "Makarov"; 9x19 "Luger"; . 45 AUTO etc.
Mastered has been the production of ammunition for service firearms: 12,3x22; 12,5x35.
WOLF-under this trademark the Tula-made sporting and hunting ammunition is known and sold abroad.

A Brief History
TE = Cartoucherie de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (cartridge factory in Toulouse) - refers to the manufacturer
D = Société Electromécanique de Dives (Electromechanical Company in Dives, France) - refers to the case provider
3 = the third quarter of production
58 = the year of production

A Brief History
Seen on American Sniper line of ammunition under the Chris Kyle brand. Appears to have been exclusively sold through Sportsman's Guide, starting mid-2021. Boxes of this product had Made in Czech Republic on them.
This particular information has not been verified with a distributor or manufacturer at this time.
Contact information:
STV Technology, s.r.o.
Bořiny 1145, Horní Předměstí,
572 01 Polička
Czech Republic
E-mail: info@stvtechnology.cz

A Brief History
Team Never Quit
In 2015, Team Never Quit partnered with Snake River Shooting Products to market a "technologically advanced product line geared for increased duty and training with impressive ballistic capability and increased safety. The products are designed to reduce the risk of collateral damage for Law Enforcement and Self Defense in situations associated with the active shooter scenarios."

A Brief History
10325 COUNTY ROAD 120
(719) 539-7242
Scharch Manufacturing Inc. Website
From Website:
Scharch Manufacturing, Inc. was founded in 1980 as a manufacturer of custom machinery for small ammunition reloading companies. Ammunition manufacturers, law enforcement agencies, and shooting ranges all around the world are currently using our equipment.
In 1992 we expanded our business with the addition of a mail order based catalog, offering mainly packaging supplies and reconditioned brass to reloaders from hobbyist to commercial sized accounts.
In 1999 Scharch Manufacturing, Inc. made the commitment to develop a new brass production line.

A Brief History
American Ammunition
3545 NW 71st Street
Miami, FL 33147
Phone: 1-888-28AMERC
Fax: 1-888-694-0037
American Ammunition Website
Triton Cartridge Corporation
PO Box 50
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

A Brief History
Turan Ammunition (Turan İnşaat Av Malzemeleri San. Tic. Ltd. Şti), located in Turkey. Turan Ltd. started in 1996 making shotguns in Üzümlü Town. Began producing pistol and blank cartridges and shotgun shells in 2007. Focused products to 9x19mm blanks, as well as 9x18 and 9x19mm pistol cartridges soon afterwards.
Contact Information:
info@turanammo.com or contact@turanammo.com

A Brief History
This ammunition brand is owned by Yavaşçalar Troy Savunma Sanayi A.Ş. in Turkey and distributed in the US by Yavaşçalar Troy Holding LLC in Mulberry, Florida.
Products listed are 9mm Luger 124 gr cartridges, 9mm projectiles and cartridge cases, and shotshells.
Website: http://www.troypro.us/
Contact: byanar@troypro.us
2701 Cozart Rd.
Mulberry, FL 33860

A Brief History
Sold by Target Sports Ammunition, made in Czech Republic by STV Technology, a portion of the STV Group. STV Technology split from STV Group in 2017 to focus on 9mm and 7.62 cartridges for civilians.
STV Technology, s.r.o.
Bořiny 1145, Horní Předměstí,
572 01 Polička
Czech Republic
E-mail: info@stvtechnology.cz

A Brief History
The TSC headstamp can be found on the Top Shot Competition product line marketed by Frankonia, a hunting store in Germany. Top Shot Competition features handgun, rifle, and trap cartridges. The product is made by Sellier & Bellot.

A Brief History
Visit http://www.luckygunner.com/brands/tula-ammo#review for in-depth information about this Russian company.

A Brief History
From globalsecurity.com:
Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant
The site has 2,383 acres and 255 buildings.
Construction on Twin Cities AAP began in August 1941, and production started in February 1942. During the war, the plant produced more than 4 billion rounds of ammunition.
After World War II, it engaged in repacking ammunition and demilitarizing unusable ammunition. The repack program was completed in 1947; the demilitarization program was completed in 1951. The plant began producing ammunition again in 1950.
From 1950 to 1957, 3.5 billion rounds of small arms ammunition, 3.2 million 195-mm artillery shell metal parts, and 715,000 155-mm shell metal parts were produced. The plant was placed on standby status from August 1958 to December 1965, when it was announced that the plant would be reactivated. By September 1966, the plant was again producing ammunition. It produced more than 10 billion rounds of various types of ammunition for the Vietnam War. An enclosed range was built on the site in the late 1960s to proof test cartridges, and other aspects of the facility were modernized in the late 1960s.
Depleted Uranium rods were used to make projectile ammunition.
The plant was placed on layaway status in several stages from 1971 to 1974. It is now inactive. Decontamination of the site began in 2001 and should be completed by spring 2004.
The contractor-operator is the Federal Cartridge Corp. and Donovan Construction Co. Alliant Techsystems produced weapons on the site.
Beginning in FY81, environmental studies determined that contamination from the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plan (TCAAP) migrated into the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan groundwater supply. Environmental studies concentrated on a total of 20 sites within the installation. The sites included former landfills, impoundments, burning and burial grounds, ammunition testing and disposal sites, industrial operations buildings, and sewer system discharge areas contributing to groundwater and soil contamination.
VOCs, TCE in particular, are the primary contaminants in groundwater. In FY86, groundwater pump-and-treat Interim Remedial Actions (IRA) were installed at Sites I and K. In FY88, TCAAP constructed the Boundary Groundwater Recovery System (BGRS) IRA to treat VOC-contaminated groundwater at the TCAAP southwest boundary, followed by a modification in FY89 to the current TCAAP Groundwater Recovery System (TGRS). In FY88, an IRA at Site A was installed to treat VOC-contaminated groundwater at the TCAA north boundary. Another IRA in FY89 provided a temporary groundwater treatment system for New Brighton. The permanent system followed in FY90. In FY91, EPA completed a permanent groundwater treatment system for St. Anthony. In FY93, TCAAP provided a municipal water supply hookup to replace the VOC-contaminated private well at the Lowry Grove Trailer Park.
Ammunition-related heavy metals; copper, lead, and mercury; are the primary soil contaminants on TCAAP, followed by VOCs and PCBs. IRAs at Sites G and D, implemented in FY85 and FY86 respectively, included the installation of soil vapor extraction systems to remove VOCs from soils, effectively reducing VOC migration to the groundwater. In FY89, PCB-contaminated soils at Site D were incinerated. In FY93, TCAAP began the removal of heavy metals from contaminated soils at Site F using an innovative soil washing and soil leaching technology.
In FY93, TCAAP initiated an installation-wide UXO clearance and site characterization to ready the sites for cleanup. The UXO search served the dual purpose to identify and clear dangerous areas prior to cleanup, and to further characterize heavy metals contamination and metallic debris in the upper two feet of soil.
The installation experienced continued success in its cleanup progress due to cooperation and partnering among the Army, EPA, and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). The cooperation among the parties led to the expedient resolution of numerous concerns and issues encountered during cleanup activities.
Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) in Minnesota, successfully used a new innovative cleanup technology to remove metal contamination from soil. The lead extraction technology uses soil leaching supplemented by soil washing. This technology costs less than conventional cleanup technologies for metals that either contain or transfer the contamination. In the innovative treatment process, metals are recovered and recycled at a smelter, eliminating the long-term liability associated with existing metals cleanup alternatives such as landfilling, solidification, or stabilization.
The EPA Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) demonstration program evaluated the TCAAP lead extraction process. Soil washing is a physical separation process that removes large metallic particles from soil (based on density); the process ultimately results in a reduction of soil volume. Soil leaching is a chemical process that involves adding an acid to the soil to remove metals by dissolving the remaining smaller metallic particles and ionic metals.
Site F is an isolated 10-acre area that was used to burn scrap ammunition and powder and to bury scrap casings. TCAAP dumped ash and residue generated from burning materials on the surface and buried the casings in trenches. Environmental investigations revealed that sixteen disposal trenches contain heavy metal contamination up to 10 feet deep.
The investigation of Site F was expedited by using an x-ray fluorescence (XRF) field instrument. By using XRF, field personnel could determine how much soil to excavate, which provided an up-front characterization of contamination, and eliminated the need for investigative sampling. Money was saved and time reduced because a full-blown investigation to characterize the nature and extent of contamination was not necessary.
Before this project began at Site F, no established technologies existed to remove heavy metals from soil. TCAAP, EPA, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency are successfully remediating the contamination rather than containing it at Site F or transferring it to a landfill. Because of this successful use of technology and the partnering effort, the Army is eliminating potential risks to human health and the environment. Costly long-term monitoring will not be required, and the site will be made available for future use with no restrictions.
As of August 1994, approximately 7,100 tons of contaminated soil from TCAAP's Site F was treated by the lead extraction process. When the project is complete in summer of 1995, an estimated 15,000 tons of soil will have been treated.
The rolling terrain of the 2,370-acre Army ammunition plant provides wildlife habitat and welcome relief from the development in the rest of Ramsey County. The site is one of the largest in a series of habitats strung like gems on a green thread that stretches from the Mississippi River via the Rice Creek corridor to a northerly chain of lakes, almost reaching the Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area. Preserving large habitats and wildlife travel corridors between them is critical to conserving the biological richness of species.
The Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) is a 2300 acres site located in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Ramsey County has the highest population density of any county in the state, it also has the lowest per capita amount of open space recreational land and wildlife habitat. Just one park in Hennepin County has nearly as much open space as that currently available in all of Ramsey County.
That this inequity is not acceptable to the public has been manifest many times, not the least of which was during the l995-96 interagency/inter-community task force meetings called by the late Congressman Bruce Vento. DNR staff actively participated in this initiative - the TCAAP Reutilization Committee - which called for a minimum of 1,100 contiguous acres of land for a regional park reserve integrally linked with the Rice Creek Trail Corridor.
More recently in l998, in response to metropolitan Minnesotans'desire for recreational open space and wildlife habitat close to home, the Minnesota. Legislature has funded ($8.8 million to date) the Metro Greenways Program (a collaborative effort between the DNR and many NGOs) which has identified the TCAAP property as an important hub in a network of regional significant ecological corridors.
Presently, the Army Material Command is in the process of excessing 776 acres of TCAAP, of which 113 acres along Rice Creek are expected to be transferred to Ramsey County as an important addition to the regional park system. Included within the remaining 663 acres is a critical 49 acre parcel of upland, wetlands and ditches. This parcel was recognized in the l996 Vento TCAAP Reutilization Committee report as an integral link between Rice Creek on the west and a future regional park reserve on the east (currently the AHATS property leased to the Minnesota National Guard).

A Brief History
Address: POB 1044, Ramat Hasharon 47100, Israel
Tel: +972-3548-5617
E-Mail: imimrktg@imi-israel.com
Fax: +972-3548-6125
IMI Website
From Website:
The IMI Small Caliber Ammunition Division is Israel’s sole producer of state-of-the-art combat-proven small arms ammunition with an extensive list of customers throughout the world. With an ample experience in the field, the plant offers a complete line of high quality military, law enforcement and commercial grade cartridges. The plant manufactures a complete range of small arms ammunition, ranging from 5.56mm to 0.50 caliber, as well as an broad range of less-than-lethal munitions. IMI small arms ammunition have received the prestigious NATO Qualification. The plant’s SCAMP lines enable the supply of significant quantities within impressively short time. The plant production is based on in-house R&D. An example of the plant’s innovative development are the special-purpose munitions, including frangible 9mm bullets, which are lethal, but do not penetrate hard surfaces, to be operated in sensitive location.
American Ammunition Website
From American Ammunition Website:
Date: 06/22/2004
(305) 835-7400
Miami, Florida/June 22, 2004/American Ammunition, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: AAMI) announced today that it had renewed its Teaming Agreement with Israel Military Industries Ltd. (“IMI”), effective on June 2, 2004. The purpose of the Teaming Agreement is to continue to utilize complimentary assets and resources each has with respect to the manufacture, marketing and supply of small arms ammunition to governmental and private customers in the United States and worldwide. AAMI and IMI agree to cooperate on a non-exclusive basis. The program is effective for an additional period of one (1) year.
IMI is a government owned company organized and existing under the laws of Israel having its principal office in Ramat, Hasharon, Israel and is engaged, in the production of small arms ammunition utilizing technology and skills not currently utilized by AAMI.
Andres Fernandez, President and CEO of AAMI stated “we are pleased that IMI has agreed to continue to work with us. IMI technology and workforce has made available and continues to make available added technology and skills that we are not in a position to presently acquire and work with. The continuation of this cooperative agreement will enable AAMI to extend and expand its markets with additional products and additional volume.”
About American Ammunition, Inc.- AAMI is an autonomous manufacturer of ammunition, with the technology and equipment to take advantage of the growing market. It has an excellent reputation within the industry. The ammunition industry has experienced a 28% average increase in revenues annually between 1991 through 1998, and the trend is expected to continue through the year 2005 and beyond. For further product information, please call 1-305-835-7400 or visit the website at: www.a-merc.com For Investor Relations information, please call: 1-305-446-4800 or e-mail: CISintr@netscape.net.
This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements appear in a number of places in this release and include all statements that are not statements of historical fact regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, its directors or its officers with respect to, among other things: (i) the Company's financing plans; (ii) trends affecting the Company's financial condition or results of operations; (iii) the Company's growth strategy and operating strategy; and (iv) the declaration and payment of dividends. The words "may," "would," "will," "expect," "estimate," "anticipate," "believe," "intend," and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's ability to control, and that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors.
CONTACT TEL: (305) 446-4800 Capital Investment Services Inc.
From 2001 Shotshow:
IMX LLC (Samson)
2169 Greenvlle Road
LaGrange, GA 30241
706-882-9050 (fax)