Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC)

The forensic discipline of Firearm / Toolmark Identification has been well represented on the Firearms & Toolmarks subcommittee of the Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) since its inception in 2014. The AFTE Board of Directors supports the OSAC mission and this subcommittee’s endeavors. We encourage members to participate and stay abreast of OSAC activities.

Firearms Subcommittee
Links for officers, members, proposed and currently being developed standards, research needs and other foundational work products (SWGGUN documents)

Overview of the OSAC Registry Process

OSAC Registry
A repository of high-quality, technically sound published and proposed standards
for forensic science.

OSAC Application

The Academy Standards Board (ASB)
Established by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), the selected standards development organization (SDO) by the OSAC Firearms Subcommittee

OSAC Firearms Process Map
The Organization of Scientific Area Committee (OSAC), in partnership with AFTE, has developed and published the Firearms Process Map. This document provides an overview of the various processes employed by Firearms Examiners as well as decision points within those processes. This is not intended to be a best practices document but, rather, a snapshot of the discipline as it currently exists.

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