AFTE Store - Training Seminar USB AFTE 2024 – Anchorage, AK

  1. 2024 Keynote Speaker
    Tami Truett Jerue, Alaskan Native Women’s Resource Center
  2. 55th Annual AFTE Training Seminar – Anaheim, CA
    Jessica Winn, California Bureau of Forensic Services, Fresno Crime Laboratory|
    Tara Heye, Orange County Crime Laboratory
  3. OSAC Information and Updates
    Andy Smith, San Francisco Police Department Criminalistics Laboratory
    Todd Weller, Oakland Police Department Crime Laboratory (Retired)
  4. Proficiency Test Review Committee Update
    Andy Smith, San Francisco Police Department Criminalistics Laboratory
    Todd Weller, Oakland Police Department Crime Laboratory (Retired)
  5. Comparison of Machining Operations and the Effects on the Creation of Individual Characteristics on Machined Surfaces
    Alexander Luby, Unified Forensic Laboratory
  6. Analysis of Breech Face Marks with Heavy Subclass Influence Through Traditional and Novel Methods
    Doug Lancon, Montana DOJ Forensic Science Division
    Xiaoyu Alan Zheng, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  7. Firearm Parts Swapping and its Impact on Forensic Firearms Identification – A Case Study
    Megan Pytlik, San Francisco Police Department Criminalistics Laboratory
  8. Redefining the Crime Laboratory
    Kristen Schaefer, Yakima Valley Local Crime Laboratory
    Kathy Geil, Yakima Valley Local Crime Laboratory
  9. Interoperability of Firearm Toolmark 3D Measurements on Objective Similarity Metrics
    Xiaoyu Alan Zheng, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  10. Teardrop Shear: A Systematic Approach
    Srini Rathinam, Los Angeles Police Department
  11. An Update on the AFTE Scholarship Endowment Fund (ASEF)
    James E. Hamby, Retired
  12. Ear Piercing Gone Hog Wild – A Case Study
    Jessica Winn, California Bureau of Forensic Services, Fresno Crime Laboratory
  13. Establishing a National Ballistic Analysis System
    Lehi Sudy dos Santos, National Forensic Institute
  14. The History of the Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory: Goddard’s Lab to the CPD Lab
    Peter Striupaitis, PS Forensic Consultants, LLC
  15. How Far Can You Go Without a Bullet Hole? A Case Study involving Cylinder Gap Distance Determination
    Jonathan Charron, Sacramento District Attorney’s Criminalistics Laboratory
  16. Quantitative Analysis of Best Non-Matching Bullets from 10 Consecutively Manufactured Ruger Barrels
    Andrew Boyle, Forensic Technology – A LeadsOnline Company
  17. Persistence of Subclass Characteristics on Consecutively Manufactured Breech Faces
    Veronica Franklin, West Virginia University – Department of Forensic and Investigative Science
  18. Homemade Firearms with 3D Printed Parts
    Carola Leva, BKA
  19. Towards Rational and Explainable Quantification Methods to Support Firearm Common Source Determination
    Serge Lẻvesque, Ultra Forensic Technology
  20. Advancing the Understanding of 3D Imaging for Firearms Identification
    Melissa Nally, Houston Forensic Science Center
    Dr. Heike Hofmann, Center of Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE)
  21. Announcing the Gunshot Residue Muzzle-to-Target Distance Determination Study
    R. Austin Hicklin, Forensic Science Group at Noblis (note: this presentation is grouped with the below presentation)
  22. Accuracy of Bullet Comparison Decisions by Forensic Examiners (Partial presentation)
    R. Austin Hicklin, Forensic Science Group at Noblis (note: this presentation is grouped with the above presentation)
  23. Distance Determination – An Unusual Case
    Debra Gillis, Alaska Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory
  24. Determination of a Type/Model of a Firearm by Cartridge Cases Using Machine Learning
    Pavel Giverts, Israel Police Department
  25. The Effect of Gunshot Angle on Distance Determination
    Alexander Jason, International Wound Ballistics Association
  26. What About Us? The Forensic Scientist & Mental Health
    Jessica Winn, California Bureau of Forensic Services, Fresno Crime Laboratory
  27. A Comprehensive Overview of A2LA and its Forensic Accreditation Program
    Brittney Rollison, American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)
  28. Examination of Homemade Shotgun and Penetration Energy Determination
    Asaf Hazon, Israel Police Department
  29. The Effects of Fingerprint Development Techniques on Forensic Cartridge Case Identifications
    Sasha Valentino, Duquesne University
  30. Dismemberments, Machetes, and Tool Marks
    Dijana Coric, Washington State Patrol Crime Laboratory
  31. Acquire Cartridge Cases into IBIS While Inside DNA Free Containers
    Linnẻa Carlsson, Swedish National Forensic Center
  32. DigiAmmo: An EU Funded ENFSI Project – How to Exchange and Assess 3D Forensic Ballistic Data
    Thomas Liebscher, BKA
  33. Application of the Finite Element Method to Forensic Firearm Investigations
    James Hamilton, West Virginia University
  34. Identification of Resizing Die Marks from a Carbide Die
    Samantha Houle, Alameda County Sheriff’s Office Criminalistics Laboratory
  35. An Investigation into the Effects of Distance from a Discharged Firearm on the Levels of Gunshot Residue (GSR) Found on a Non-Shooter
    Erica Brown, Institute of Forensic Science and Legal Medicine, Firearm and Toolmarks Dept.
  36. Observed Effect of Using Recover Latent Fingerprint Technology (LFT) on Cartridge Case Tool Marks
    Robert A. Johnson, Albuquerque Police Department Crime Laboratory
  37. Toolmark Examinations of Privately Made Firearms
    Samantha Karner, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE)
  38. The Effect of Decomposition Processes on Fired Bullet Striae
    Matthew Bolton, Australian Federal Police Department
  39. Microscopic Examination of Thermally Discharged Ammunition Components
    Kevin Rippman, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE)
    Mark Gratkowski, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE)
  40. The Perils of Downloaded Cartridges for Firearms Identification Purposes
    Lucian C. “Luke” Haag, Forensic Science Services, Inc. (note:  this presentation is grouped with the below presentation)
  41. Some Properties of Forensic Value with Compensated Glock Pistols
    Lucian C. “Luke” Haag, Forensic Science Services, Inc. (note:  This presentation is grouped with the above presentation)
  42. Automated 3D High-Volume Triage (3DHVT) to Improve Efficiency of Firearm & Toolmark Casework
    Zak Carr, Cadre Research
  43. Admissibility Hearings – Silencing the Defense Expert
    Jeff Salyards, Center of Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE)
  44. Shots in the Dark: Using Luminescent Technology in the Detection of Lead Residues
    Jill Prather, Forensic Toolmark Consultants
  45. Algorithmic Matching of Striated Tool Marks
    Yuhang (Tom) Lin, Center of Statistics and Applications in Forensic Evidence (CSAFE), Iowa State University
  46. A Research Study Determining Cartridge Interchangeability Outside of Standard Interchangeability
    Vanessa R. Foerch, Michigan State Police Forensic Division, Grand Rapids Laboratory


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