Become a Member - Regular Member Application


  • Please review the Bylaws and the Code of Ethics. If you feel that you qualify for membership in AFTE, complete the online application form below. Alternatively, a paper form can be downloaded and mailed to the address listed on the form.
  • All questions must be answered. Use additional pages as necessary (if filling out the paper form).
  • A copy of your C.V. (or Statement of Qualifications) must accompany your completed application form.
  • When applying for upgrade to Regular Membership the three (3) Regular members of AFTE who are making recommendations for you, must each provide a Letter of Recommendation OR an Application Recommendation Form AND a Certificate of Applicant Qualification.  Both the Letter of Recommendation OR the Application Recommendation Form AND the Certificate of Applicant Qualification must accompany your application package to be reviewed by the Board of Admissions. Please refer to page 1 of the application packet as it contains detailed instructions on the process of obtaining recommendations for Regular Membership.
  • If you need assistance with letters of recommendation, you can contact the Chair of the AFTE Advisory Committee for assistance.
  • Mail or email your completed application package to the Membership Secretary at the address below. Your completed application must include the following:
    • Curriculum Vitae or Resume
    • Three (3) Letters of Recommendation and/or Applicant Recommendation Forms
    • Three (3) Certificate of Applicant Qualifications (one from each reference)

Jessica Winn, Membership Secretary
CA DOJ BFS Fresno Regional Lab
5311 N. Woodrow Ave.
Fresno, CA 93740
Phone: 559-862-2634

Forms for Physical Application

The following forms can be printed at your convenience:

Regular Membership Instructions

Regular Membership Application

Regular Applicant Recommendation Form

Certificate of Applicant Qualification

Upon receipt by me, the application is recorded and reviewed. If all elements of the application have not been properly completed, it will be returned to you. Otherwise, it will be forwarded to the Board of Admissions for review. We thank you for your interest in the Association. If I may be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at the address below.

Jessica Winn, Membership Secretary
CA DOJ BFS Fresno Regional Lab
5311 N. Woodrow Ave.
Fresno, CA 93740
Phone: 559-862-2634

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